"Arkansas gov. signs law letting doctors refuse to treat on basis of morality, religion"

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Jan 22, 2019
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This isn't a problem in more populated cities, but in rural America where you may only have one clinic or hospital for 100 miles, this could cause significant distress to patients. I understand the argument for freedom of religion, but at a certain point when we decided to pursue medicine we took the oath of doing no harm.
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If they are OK with a Muslim doc not treating a Hindu pt, a black doc not treating a KKK member, or a Mennonite from treating a cop, then I’m game.

But as usual, these and many other Republican conservative measures are specifically designed to tread on others people rights, as long as they keep their (mostly) White base, happy.
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If they are OK with a Muslim doc not treating a Hindu pt, a black doc not treating a KKK member, or a Mennonite from treating a cop, then I’m game.

But as usual, these and many other Republican conservative measures are specifically designed to tread on others people rights, as long as they keep their (mostly) White base, happy.
It's slippery slope. Both major parties are doing things to satisfy their base and ignoring moderates.
It's slippery slope. Both major parties are doing things to satisfy their base and ignoring moderates.

Nah man... there’s a major difference b/w what the Dems vs Republicans want.

Republicans are a “end justify the means” which is why we got Trump (so they could get SC justices), and why they ignore what every rational person knows, namely that he and the Republicans who protested the election are traitors.
Add on the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers that don’t get renounced and it is easy to see what they continue to be racist, sexist etc... it’s what their base wants them to be.

Compare that to higher taxes on wealthy tax dodging corporations, increase in minimum wage, expanded ACA, making it not OK to fire gay people just for being gay (SC took care of that though), expanding food stamp benefits etc and I cannot explain why reasonable people vote Republican
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Nah man... there’s a major difference b/w what the Dems vs Republicans want.

Republicans are a “end justify the means” which is why we got Trump (so they could get SC justices), and why they ignore what every rational person knows, namely that he and the Republicans who protested the election are traitors.
Add on the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers that don’t get renounced and it is easy to see what they continue to be racist, sexist etc... it’s what their base wants them to be.

Compare that to higher taxes on wealthy tax dodging corporations, increase in minimum wage, expanded ACA, making it not OK to fire gay people just for being gay (SC took care of that though), expanding food stamp benefits etc and I cannot explain why reasonable people vote Republican
I'm sure
Nah man... there’s a major difference b/w what the Dems vs Republicans want.

Republicans are a “end justify the means” which is why we got Trump (so they could get SC justices), and why they ignore what every rational person knows, namely that he and the Republicans who protested the election are traitors.
Add on the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers that don’t get renounced and it is easy to see what they continue to be racist, sexist etc... it’s what their base wants them to be.

Compare that to higher taxes on wealthy tax dodging corporations, increase in minimum wage, expanded ACA, making it not OK to fire gay people just for being gay (SC took care of that though), expanding food stamp benefits etc and I cannot explain why reasonable people vote Republican

It's a lot of I'm going to make money while it's still going good and then deal with the enormous backlash that will inevitably happens as enormous inequality drives action and be safe in the suburbs.

I think honestly it takes a fool to not recognize that things aren't doing well in the US.

It's slippery slope. Both major parties are doing things to satisfy their base and ignoring moderates.

Except the Democrats are largely a moderate party. They aren't left.
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It's a lot of I'm going to make money while it's still going good and then deal with the enormous backlash that will inevitably happens as enormous inequality drives action and be safe in the suburbs.

I think honestly it takes a fool to not recognize that things aren't doing well in the US.

Except the Democrats are largely a moderate party. They aren't left.
Republicans and most moderate would disagree...
Republicans and most moderate would disagree...

They would be wrong, and probably aren't moderates then. The democrats are very much a center party. That's essentially what neoliberalism is. They are still a party that is very big on low taxes for corporations and the extremely wealthy. Some of the only true left presidents we had were pretty much folks like FDR who had the New Deal and taxed the **** out of the super rich.
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They would be wrong, and probably aren't moderates then. The democrats are very much a center party. That's essentially what neoliberalism is. They are still a party that is very big on low taxes for corporations and the extremely wealthy. Some of the only true left presidents we had were pretty much folks like FDR who had the New Deal and taxed the **** out of the super rich.

Yes exactly. The Overton window of the US is pretty heavily right wing, with Republicans being hard right and Democrats being center to center right. The progressives are center left but because the window is centered so rightwards, it looks like the progressives are far left.
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Yes exactly. The Overton window of the US is pretty heavily right wing, with Republicans being hard right and Democrats being center to center right. The progressives are center left but because the window is centered so rightwards, it looks like the progressives are far left.

Personally I think if we don't do something about wealth inequality we're going to see a lot of folks in 10 years as they start to hit their middle years swing hard against the establishment.
Personally I think if we don't do something about wealth inequality we're going to see a lot of folks in 10 years as they start to hit their middle years swing hard against the establishment.
What do you want the government to do?
Personally I think if we don't do something about wealth inequality we're going to see a lot of folks in 10 years as they start to hit their middle years swing hard against the establishment.
Inequality existed for decades and all attempts to rebel against the establishment ended up being far worse for everyone
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Inequality existed for decades and all attempts to rebel against the establishment ended up being far worse for everyone
the civil rights era and the crack downs of the 80s would strongly disagree.
What do you want the government to do?

Essentially reduce non-essential subsidizes, start taxing huge corporations that don't pay any and revitalize the worker core. Invest in large projects that will meaningfully advance the nation ex high speed rail between Boston to Richmond and to Chicago and SD to Seattle. Modernize the power grid. Build more small modular and large nuclear power plants to wean off of coal. Listen to the army core of engineers and start rebuilding bridges, roads, and infrastructure. Modernize piping to communities.
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Essentially reduce non-essential subsidizes, start taxing huge corporations that don't pay any and revitalize the worker core. Invest in large projects that will meaningfully advance the nation ex high speed rail between Boston to Richmond and to Chicago and SD to Seattle. Modernize the power grid. Build more small modular and large nuclear power plants to wean off of coal. Listen to the army core of engineers and start rebuilding bridges, roads, and infrastructure. Modernize piping to communities.
Republicans will call that liberal wish list...
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Idk why. It's just asking us have the same things other developed first world nations have.
The country is too polarized... I guess having so many different ethnicities might be the cause. Everyone is walking on eggshells these days.
Republicans will call that liberal wish list...

Their goal is to make government worse at every opportunity they can, then use that to “show” why government cannot work, then call for privatization of valuable services that currently are only available to the vast populace due to them being funded by taxes
The country is too polarized... I guess having so many different ethnicities might be the cause. Everyone is walking on eggshells these days.

R’s are more than 80% white Christian and they are (and will) be doing everything they can to hold on to that and keep minorities down
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R’s are more than 80% white Christian and they are (and will) be doing everything they can to hold on to that and keep minorities down

Plenty of minorities (including myself) realize that government is one of the most wasteful, flush-your-money down the toilet, inefficient contractions ever invented.

Instead of adding more deficit spending to an already broke system how about we cut out massive inefficiency and use that money to fund stuff we actually need. The USA already generates plenty of tax revenue- it’s just diverted or wasted instead of used to help people.
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Plenty of minorities (including myself) realize that government is one of the most wasteful, flush-your-money down the toilet, inefficient contractions ever invented.

Instead of adding more deficit spending to an already broke system how about we cut out massive inefficiency and use that money to fund stuff we actually need. The USA already generates plenty of tax revenue- it’s just diverted or wasted instead of used to help people.
Cut military spending
Reform ss/medicare/medicaid
Reform the tax code (10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%)... No deductions
No subsidies for no one
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Cut military spending
Reform ss/medicare/medicaid
Reform the tax code (10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%)... No deductions
No subsidies for no one

Lots of farmers would go out of business. (Although I agree w/ not giving subsidies to megacorporations etc that own farms)
Prices of everyday good will skyrocket.

Agree with cutting military spending and simplified tax code.... but those are very long reaches.

Best step is to get Amazon, WalMart, GE, NetFlix etc to pay taxes
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Plenty of minorities (including myself) realize that government is one of the most wasteful, flush-your-money down the toilet, inefficient contractions ever invented.

Instead of adding more deficit spending to an already broke system how about we cut out massive inefficiency and use that money to fund stuff we actually need. The USA already generates plenty of tax revenue- it’s just diverted or wasted instead of used to help people.

There’s a huge difference b/w wanting more efficiency and destroying its very function.

As far as tax revenue... tax the corporations and give breaks to the poor people who need it (Republicans do the opposite of that)
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Plenty of minorities (including myself) realize that government is one of the most wasteful, flush-your-money down the toilet, inefficient contractions ever invented.

Instead of adding more deficit spending to an already broke system how about we cut out massive inefficiency and use that money to fund stuff we actually need. The USA already generates plenty of tax revenue- it’s just diverted or wasted instead of used to help people.

The simplifying the bureaucracy of the country would be great at doing that. Unfortunately we probably spend more money trying to prove that fraud isn't a thing in a year than fraud itself costs over 10. And unfortunately convincing established fingermen of lobbyists is always a challenge.
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So laughable and ignorant for anyone to think that Dems are any better than Reps. I hear this all the time and just shows how ignorant they are and closed minded. Hear how people who vote repubs are all racists.

All politicians are the same people only pandering to their voters. Most are unable to hold down a real job or just want power. Trump inciting Capitol riot = Racists pig per Pelosi/Dems & lets impeach. Waters inciting Minn rioters = Nothing to see here per Pelosi/Dems.

They are all the same. If you made all Reps and Dems flip sides, you same ignorant Dems would be praising Cruz and Trump and ignorant Reps praising Pelosi/Waters.

I vote on issues and not party lines. I don't vote on who I think is nice b/c you can't get into congress with much morals left. I hold my breath voting for trump and I would hold my breath voting for Pelosi if I agree with their agenda.
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Nah man... there’s a major difference b/w what the Dems vs Republicans want.

Republicans are a “end justify the means” which is why we got Trump (so they could get SC justices), and why they ignore what every rational person knows, namely that he and the Republicans who protested the election are traitors.
Add on the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers that don’t get renounced and it is easy to see what they continue to be racist, sexist etc... it’s what their base wants them to be.

Compare that to higher taxes on wealthy tax dodging corporations, increase in minimum wage, expanded ACA, making it not OK to fire gay people just for being gay (SC took care of that though), expanding food stamp benefits etc and I cannot explain why reasonable people vote Republican
The fact that you said the Proud Boys are a racist organization shows you only listen to mainstream media talking points. Also, the fact that you don't understand how increasing the minimum wage is a terrible idea shows how you have no idea what you're talking about
The fact that you said the Proud Boys are a racist organization shows you only listen to mainstream media talking points. Also, the fact that you don't understand how increasing the minimum wage is a terrible idea shows how you have no idea what you're talking about

Have fun living in your delusions... and you reveal your motives (idiocy) when you call it mainstream media
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Have fun living in your delusions... and you reveal your motives (idiocy) when you call it mainstream media
The leader of the Proud Boys was A BLACK MAN, and its pretty foolish to listen to talking heads on CNN when independent journalists on the internet will tell you the actual truth
Keeps the crazies busy so they don’t cause more damage.. 🤪.

Good point though... 👍
Tongue and cheek but no actual substantive response. Stop your conspiracy theories. The Proud Boys have actually sat down with BLM for a meeting and agree on racial issues lol The Proud Boys ARE a loony psuedo para-military group, but to call them a racist organization just isn't being honest.