Applying to Out of State Internal Medicine Residencies

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5+ Year Member
May 6, 2017
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MS3 here at a mid-tier MD school in the Midwest. I’ll be applying for Internal Medicine in the upcoming cycle.

Average stats:
Step 1 - 23x
Clinical rotations - mostly high pass with 1-2 honors with excellent feedback on rotations
Research - one first author publication, several poster presentations, hoping for two more pending publications (not first author) by the time I submit ERAS

Would like to go out of state for residency (CA, TX, East coast). Any recommendations on programs to apply to? Advice on networking?

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MS3 here at a mid-tier MD school in the Midwest. I’ll be applying for Internal Medicine in the upcoming cycle.

Average stats:
Step 1 - 23x
Clinical rotations - mostly high pass with 1-2 honors with excellent feedback on rotations
Research - one first author publication, several poster presentations, hoping for two more pending publications (not first author) by the time I submit ERAS

Would like to go out of state for residency (CA, TX, East coast). Any recommendations on programs to apply to? Advice on networking?
A good place to start would be the prior match list from you school. Do you have any alumni in those states/regions? If so, connect with them via social media or get their email info from your alumni/dean's office.
A good place to start would be the prior match list from you school. Do you have any alumni in those states/regions? If so, connect with them via social media or get their email info from your alumni/dean's office.
Looked up a couple of programs' residents lists and a few alumni in those regions . Any suggestions on what to ask them? Especially with minimum away rotations available this year, not sure what to do.
Tell them exactly what you asked in this tread. Alumni are more understanding and can give you specific advice/insider scoop.
Would like to go out of state for residency (CA, TX, East coast). Any recommendations on programs to apply to?