Application Tips with Apply Point: Review the Content on your Social Media Accounts

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Before you submit your application, don’t forget to review and update, where necessary, your social media pages. Admissions officers should never be surprised by your online presence. Rather, it should provide further depth on the person they will get to know through the application process.
  • Ensure that your social media privacy settings reflect your preferences, but keep in mind that even private information can leak or be distributed more widely.
  • Review your pictures. Be sure to go back and review even your oldest pictures. Remove those that do not reflect the image you’re trying to put forth. Also, consider adding pictures that showcase a broad array of “you.” This could include shots from travel, volunteer work, cultural activities, time with pets, or engaging in hobbies that show off aspects of your personality that will bring your essays and interviews to life.
  • Confirm that none of your content could even potentially be considered racist or sexist, or contain prejudicial language.
  • Confirm that your posts on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat are grammatically correct, and representative of you. Delete accounts that you don’t actively monitor anymore.
  • Follow the schools to which you’ve applied on social media and set up Google alerts with key words so you can easily stay informed of current events, research, or news related to the programs.
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