Anyone else doing SOPHAS right now?

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Jun 5, 2009
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I was wondering if anyone else was doing Sophas for Spring 2010.

I submitted my transcripts a week ago and they still haven't posted them up yet. How is your app doing?

One more thing. I took my GRE before the application opened back up an sent the score in to schools. Should I resend them in now that the application has opened up or will I be okay?

Thanks guys.

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Hey, I've just submitted my application to SOPHAS as well. I was ready to do so in July, but nervous that all the paperwork I didn't have control over wouldn't make it in time. Why they choose August to close down is beyond me, seeing as most fall applications are due in early spring and spring ones due only a month or two after they open up again. Personally, I found it frustrating because my references couldn't submit until one of the busiest times of the academic year. That's neither here nor there though, I suppose. BUSPH advised me to wait until they opened up, so I'm not all that concerned

I think you should probably submit the scores again because they discard any information they have. It may depend on the school if you submitted them directly there, but you can call the admissions office and ask if you like.

When you say submit your transcripts, do you mean entered your coursework on the site or requested them from the schools? I'd guess it should take at least that amount of time for the school to receive the form, send it out again, SOPHAS to receive, file, and then post it.

Where did you apply?
I just started my SOPHAS app a week or week and a half ago. I have already received 2/3 of my official transcripts in the mail, but SOPHAS has not reported as to receiving the ones I had intructed to be sent to them directly. I emailed SOPHAS to see if they got them..I'd assume the ones sent to me were sent at the same time to them?
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I submitted my transcripts by requesting them to be sent directly to SOPHAS from the schools. The schools show them as being sent, but SOPHAS doesn't show them as being received yet.

I'm assuming that they're being overloaded with transcripts and that is why ours haven't been posted as received yet. I guess I'll call ETS and have them send out the scores again just to be safe.
I submitted my transcripts by requesting them to be sent directly to SOPHAS from the schools. The schools show them as being sent, but SOPHAS doesn't show them as being received yet.

I'm assuming that they're being overloaded with transcripts and that is why ours haven't been posted as received yet. I guess I'll call ETS and have them send out the scores again just to be safe.

SOPHAS emailed me back saying they will be processing documentation next week...yeah, sounds like they are backed up.
I need to have LSAC send my LSAT score to the school directly and not thru SOPHAS (per what I read in the instructions) I wait and do this once I finalize my complete application? If I did it now, the U of M might wonder why I am sending a random test score?
I think you should probably send it in. They'll know what to do with the scores they receive.
SOPHAS emailed me back saying they will be processing documentation next week...yeah, sounds like they are backed up.
I need to have LSAC send my LSAT score to the school directly and not thru SOPHAS (per what I read in the instructions) I wait and do this once I finalize my complete application? If I did it now, the U of M might wonder why I am sending a random test score?
No, send it now! :) Good luck!
Cool, I'll get on it to have LSAC send the score right away! This application process is a bear! :oops: Then again, I'm impatient!! (C'mon, Referrers...where are my LORs?!!!) That's really all I'm waiting on.
Cool, I'll get on it to have LSAC send the score right away! This application process is a bear! :oops: Then again, I'm impatient!! (C'mon, Referrers...where are my LORs?!!!) That's really all I'm waiting on.
Haha. I hear ya, I'm in the same spot (well, not really because I'm waiting on transcripts and GRE scores, but I have a feeling they already have them, just not processed). I hate waiting once I've done my part, but I suppose it's little more than a waiting game at this point. If your LORs are coming from academia, hopefully they'll have a chance in the next few weeks.
They're starting to process documentation!

One of my transcripts has been marked as received
Hello! I just started my SOPHAS app too, and I sent in my transcripts over a week ago. SOPHAS still hasn't recorded them as received yet either. :-(

I have a question about GRE scores. Am I supposed to contact ETS to have them sent to the schools? I know I already got 4 free ones when I took the GRE, but I'm not exactly sure how to do the score sending. Can anybody advise?

Wow, I can't believe some of you guys have already finished your app. Does this mean you can submit your app before you receive letters from your professors?
Hello! I just started my SOPHAS app too, and I sent in my transcripts over a week ago. SOPHAS still hasn't recorded them as received yet either. :-(

I have a question about GRE scores. Am I supposed to contact ETS to have them sent to the schools? I know I already got 4 free ones when I took the GRE, but I'm not exactly sure how to do the score sending. Can anybody advise?

Wow, I can't believe some of you guys have already finished your app. Does this mean you can submit your app before you receive letters from your professors?

One week is not a lot of time for them to record a transcript as received/etc. Think of how many they probably get and how many courses each person has (I personally have 140ish credits from undergrad plus 48 from grad school so that ends up being a lot of classes).

Yes, you need to contact ETS to have them send the scores to the schools you choose.

Yes, you can submit your application before you receive the letters, but it's probably best to get the letters in as quickly as possible so you can submit everything at once.
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hey guys! How many activities did you listed? I've only done 3 community service activities over a long period of time but the list looks soooo short. Same with awards!
no awards/honors. three p/t jobs over the years and three volunteer activities. you should be fine!
Yeah, I've been working on my app for Fall 2010.

Does anyone know what essay/personal statements Yale wants? Most other sites I've found the specific questions/prompts they want, but I couldn't find it on Yale's site...
If my research experience was upaid (I basically volunteered to do it), should I still put that under "research experience" in SOPHAS?

Should I include leadership in the "awards/honors" section?

Does anyone know how long ETS takes to send scores to SOPHAS?

Emily, you might just want to call Yale directly and ask.
If my research experience was upaid (I basically volunteered to do it), should I still put that under "research experience" in SOPHAS?

Should I include leadership in the "awards/honors" section?

Does anyone know how long ETS takes to send scores to SOPHAS?

Emily, you might just want to call Yale directly and ask.

Yes, you should include unpaid research under research experience.

ETS will maybe take a week or so. SOPHAS might take longer to say they've received it.
In the "Honors and Awards" section, should we include things like our undergraduate scholarships, Dean's list, and leadership positions, along with national honor societies?
What do you guys suggest to do when a reference is taking a little long to submit a letter? Offer to write it yourself? Bug them occasionally? Bug them often? Stop by office hours? Call em? Find another person?

Deadline is coming up and I'm stressing out a little over this.
What do you guys suggest to do when a reference is taking a little long to submit a letter? Offer to write it yourself? Bug them occasionally? Bug them often? Stop by office hours? Call em? Find another person?

Deadline is coming up and I'm stressing out a little over this.

When I applied, I had to email one of my references to redo their reference, they "thought" they'd submitted it but it never showed up. I'd just play dumb and approach it like: For some reason your reference hasn't shown up on the SOPHAS website. I hate to ask, but is there anyway you could submit it again. I apologize for the inconvenience....blah blah blah.

I don't know whether they had actually submitted it before I asked for it to be "resubmitted", but it was done within hours of me asking the second time. Guilted 'em into it, I guess. :)
i have a question about the portion where you can enter in professional licenses on sophas. I have my pharmacy technician license. Can I put that there? Does it count?

When I applied, I had to email one of my references to redo their reference, they "thought" they'd submitted it but it never showed up. I'd just play dumb and approach it like: For some reason your reference hasn't shown up on the SOPHAS website. I hate to ask, but is there anyway you could submit it again. I apologize for the inconvenience....blah blah blah.

I don't know whether they had actually submitted it before I asked for it to be "resubmitted", but it was done within hours of me asking the second time. Guilted 'em into it, I guess. :)
that's a good suggestion. i may have to do something similar soon. i sent the original information in on Aug 27th or 8th, and the deadline is Oct 16th. i was thinking of just checking in to make sure he even got the original sophas email (though i had told him to keep a look out for it). i'm guessing this or next week is enough time to check in and make sure he got it, no? i don't want to rush him, but it's the only think i'm waiting on.
I am only applying to one school that uses Sophas (USF). The other school I am applying to is Xavier. I submitted the app, but I am waiting for 2 letters to come in. Deadline for USF is October 15th.
If your recommenders are not recommending you, get a new one ASAP. Someone that will come through for you. 2 out of 3 of my recommenders bailed out, one because she is very absent minded and the other because of terminal illness. I went and got two new recommenders on short notice, and this worked to my benefit and led to acceptance into an MPH program.
I emailed my last recommender and it turns out he never received the initial email because I had entered one letter in his email address incorrectly, so I'd definitely check in with them to make sure they have everything they need first. I was able to delete the old one and add a new one despite the fact that I e-submited my application weeks ago.
What does it mean if on SOPHAS under application status it says "School will contact applicant with decision" although my GPA calcs and last reference aren't finished yet.
I submitted app on 9/22. Deadline is 10/15. Today is 10/1.

GPA calculations and my application aren't going to be processed in time are they? :(
I emailed them this morning, they responded really quick.. and i thanked them for a quick response.

I check my email an hour later and they finished my GPA calculations!
SOPHAS is awesome! lol
I emailed them this morning, they responded really quick.. and i thanked them for a quick response.

I check my email an hour later and they finished my GPA calculations!
SOPHAS is awesome! lol

That's awesome. Do they only calc the GPA after esubmit? I haven't submitted since i'm still waiting on one more letter and finishing up on a couple personal statements.

Gooood Luuuck! So excited for you.
That's awesome. Do they only calc the GPA after esubmit? I haven't submitted since i'm still waiting on one more letter and finishing up on a couple personal statements.

Gooood Luuuck! So excited for you.

once they receive all transcripts and at least 2 letters, the processing starts
So SOPHAS doesn't calculate the GPA until after you submit the application?
So SOPHAS doesn't calculate the GPA until after you submit the application?

Yes. GPA calculations are not started until you have e-submitted, sent in all your transcripts and have at least 2 referenced received.
Yes. GPA calculations are not started until you have e-submitted, sent in all your transcripts and have at least 2 referenced received.
Is that true for GRE scores as well? If so, then how do we know if SOPHAS received the scores from ETS.

And if we know more than one school will forward scores to SOPHAS, can we only list one school? (Ex. BU, Emory, and Pitt send scores to SOPHAS, so can I only list BU as a recipeint?)

Can I submit my application before I receive my second set of official GRE scores?
My application was processed and they have not received a single test score of mine. Since schools handle test scores differently, SOPHAS will not wait for scores before processing.

Learn from my mistake; Submit the app ASAP!
Music, from what I understand you still need to submit transcripts/GRE scores to all of the schools you are applying to... even if more than one of them submits the info to SOPHAS. At least, this is what I got out of the FAQ's on the SOPHAS website... you might want to double-check me on that :oops:
I submitted app on 9/22. Deadline is 10/15. Today is 10/1.

GPA calculations and my application aren't going to be processed in time are they? :(

Are you applying for a PhD?? All the schools I am applying recommend to apply through SOPHAS by early November. I am just making sure, because I had a mini heart attack when I saw this. :)
Masters, Spring 2010! I know I cut it a little short!
Masters, Spring 2010! I know I cut it a little short!
I'm getting nervous too because there had been some confusion over study abroad credit and they sent it back to me. I requested the transcript and received my copy, so I expect it to go through fairly soon. I'm also waiting on that last reference, though have been in contact with the guy. I'm starting to wonder if I should submit for Fall 2010 instead...

If sophas receives it all by the deadline, does that count or does it need to be in the hands of the school? I e-submited it already. I was ready to do all of this in early July but advised by BU to wait until August to make sure I don't lose anything if not completely done by August. I'm frustrated that they don't close in June or July instead, especially since the Fall applications are usually due mid spring.
For the statement of purposes part on SOPHAS, did you indent your paragraphs or just leave a space between each paragraph?

And do all of the schools see all of your statements of purpose, or just the one that was designated for their school?
I just left spaces between each paragraph. I think the indent tends to look awkward when printed off notebook, but I doubt it matters.

As for the application, the school will only see the statement that you designate to go to that school. You have to select the one you want and can write one for each school if you'd like. It's probably a good idea to add a paragraph or so on each explaining why you choose that program.
submitted my applications last month. who else has submitted their apps and waiting to hear back?
submitted my applications last month. who else has submitted their apps and waiting to hear back?

I submitted all my apps last week, and SOPHAS has already mailed them off. They got it out a lot faster than I thought they would. Here comes the loooooooooooong wait. I don't know how I'll make it.
I submitted last week but I'm still waiting on 2 recs. One is started, one hasn't been started yet... I still have a while before my first deadline but I'm super impatient!!
I submitted my app Friday night, and SOPHAS has already calculated the GPAs. They said my apps will be mailed out in the next weekly mailing.
I know that a couple of the schools I applied to won't start looking at applications until January. The waiting is the worst!
hey guys, do I need to have my LORs and transcripts in before I click on the magical e-submit button?
i have a question about the section in sophas which asks if you: "Have ever been required to withdraw from an institution, been terminated or disciplined for academic performance or conduct violations?" Do you have to answer yes if you were on academic probation for a quarter??
dhycortex: as long as you've requested it all properly, then no. I'd e-submit as soon as you've done your part. If you didn't put in transcript material properly (I messed up my study abroad info), they'll send it back and you can change it.

heyhey20: If I were you (I know nothing about the situation) and it's considered discipline, I'd disclose it. Better to explain than have them find out and only have the mark on the trascript as notice. Not answering truthfully probably won't look so good. How did you fix and overcome it?

Or, you could contact an admissions dept. and ask for further explanation as to what they consider discipline. I'd guess it's probably a universal term. Maybe even just google it. May fall under FAQ's somewhere.