Anybody from America in bangalore

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Fluffy McFlufferson
15+ Year Member
Apr 9, 2006
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Hey everyone,
Just recently joined sdn... My names Deepak... I go to KIMS in bangalore... wondering if anyone else is out there from the states... particularly California, cuz I'm from LA. Hit me back people:sleep:

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nice to see some peeps in at MSRMC..across town from u, lol. Im from Bakersfield, CA...but i spent two years at im familiar with LA, to say the least :) I just finished up first year, now at home waiting for results :scared:
Hey hi deepak....Isn't a lot of ragging there at KIMS....Did. the LA friend joined KIIMs..but left.was scared..:laugh:..Neways..Best of luck for results CaliAtenza!
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Hey hi deepak....Isn't a lot of ragging there at KIMS....Did. the LA friend joined KIIMs..but left.was scared..:laugh:..Neways..Best of luck for results CaliAtenza!

lol...i dunno about ragging in KIIMS..but here at Ramaiah its not too bad, well for the non hostelites anyways...and NRI's dont get ragged much. I got ragged once by my senior friend, but he was just doing it cause he's an dingus...:mad:
hi CaliAtenza and deepak and anjali from Arcadia, CA...a suburb of the moment i am a senior in high school considering Sri Ramachandra, MS Ramaiah, or Manipal for med school...i was just wondering what its like for a californian to be in bangalore...or any place in south india for that matter...please tell me =)...and you think i should consider goiing to a UC at all or should i just focus on india?? many of my friends are at UCLA,UCI,UCSD,etc. or applying there...but i just think the UCs arent for me...if you have any advice to share with me...please tell all...thanks...anjali
hi CaliAtenza and deepak and anjali from Arcadia, CA...a suburb of the moment i am a senior in high school considering Sri Ramachandra, MS Ramaiah, or Manipal for med school...i was just wondering what its like for a californian to be in bangalore...or any place in south india for that matter...please tell me =)...and you think i should consider goiing to a UC at all or should i just focus on india?? many of my friends are at UCLA,UCI,UCSD,etc. or applying there...but i just think the UCs arent for me...if you have any advice to share with me...please tell all...thanks...anjali

hey anjali, nice to see some cali people on here (i know where Arcadia is ;) ). Well, it depends on exactly what u wanna do (i had a similar discussion with a girl in ur same situation just this past july..she was from Orange County and ended up comming to Ramaiah...she was also considering a UC). Bangalore is very similar to LA actually and it has everything u need, contrary to what some people think. Personally i was at UCI for 2 retrospect, it was 2 years wasted, but thats me. I never fit in at that place and i just got involved with people that i shouldnt have gotten involved with. The basic science classes for me were a draggg...i realized that i just wanted to go to india, lol. If u honestly believe that the UC's arent for u and u are ok with leaving ur life behind here and ur friends here, then i think India is a great option. If u do decide to come to india, u would have to wait till next august, which wud make u part of the 07-08 batch (im 05-06). Now the three schools u've mentioned:

1. Sri Ramachandra out in chennai. Honestly i dont have much experence with this school other than what i have heard on here. I hear good and bad seems u need connections more than anything at this place to succeed. One person from my hometown has gone here, but i havent gotten a staus report on him yet. 2. Next, MSRMC (Ramaiah) alma mater: To tell u the truth, next to BMC, this is the best school in Bangalore to go to. Yes, the infrastructure is not there much (its a old place), but the teaching is pretty good overall and the PG's are pretty helpfull. The classrooms are getting revamped, which started last year (high speed net, projectors, doing away with OHPs) But at the same time, the office staff arent that helpfull and our princi is a big talker, doesnt get much stuff done. But the school gets more and more popular with every passing they must be doing something right. Finally, 3. Manipal: Awsome, awsome college...i campus anywhere ive seen, teaching i dunno, but everything else is great (just visited once) and now they have a twinning prog as well...but its in the middle of nowhere with a if u can deal with that, then u should be fine. For my part, i had outside help this year, so that was a BIG help in making me get through...i prolly couldnt have done it otherwise. You can arrange for that as well, its not a big deal. Since u are used to LA, i think Bangalore is the best. What u should do is start the admissions process early, preferably by jan and maybe in the summer go and see the colleges u are interested to get a feel for everything and then make a final decision. South India...sooo beautiful :) and so many places to see, when u dont have college, lol. If u do decide to come, please learn the local langauge, it will HELP me on this. :thumbup: Anyways, just PM me or any of the other guys if u need anything, im on vacay now so i'll be free to take any queries u have...good luck and TC :)
First off gotta say wussup to Angali... Arcadia are you kiddin me... I live in El Monte... haha no not the ghetto part.... lol..... but yeah wussp to Caliatenza and Rahul too....
Awight... well about comin to india... iono i mean i gotta say that it was a big change and I have seen some people who really can't adjust to it. My personal experience with Bangalore was a bit rough too. I mean its tough to leave everything you know and come to india to study in a system that is totally different.
Haha now that I have painted such a depressing picture... I will say, though it was tough.. I'm still here and I'm happy too. It took me about a year to get used to the life here but now that I am settled its not half bad and Im in third year to give you some perspective. I can say that you really have to be sure that medicine is what you wanna do like 110% before you come here because you cant simply change ur major like in a UC. But i mean if you are dead sure that that is what you wanna do then i say go for it... becuase you will save money and more importantly time
I can say that Chennai is not where you wanna be... I mean the weather is bad and the language is difficult as people there wont speak english unlike Bangalore and secondly there is nothing to do there really where as bangalore is a bit more "cosmopolitan" if you will.... though this may be true dont delude yourself into thinking you are goin to a neighboring city... IT IS INDIA... be prepared to adjust.
Now I know that you will call me biased but if you are comin to the South then Bangalore is ur best bet... and KIMS is awesome.... I have friends goin to Ramaiah and they are happy their too but the biggest problem with Ram(cuz im lazy to type it out) is that its like so far from everything else... like if you wanna go out you really need a vehicle there. But yeah Ive been told that the teching there is great just as in KIMS... and Btw KIMS is getting rebuilt and it will be done by december this year so you will have a whole knew college to come to when you get here so yeah... that is also the same...
Coming to Manipal... its a crazy campus and all... awesome... and yes you will find the most NRI's there... but i got friends there... and they tell me the avg age of passing out of that college is 30... Why is that you ask? Well when you have a bunch of NRI people with an on campus pub and crazy weekend parties... dont really think pharmacology is gonna be number one on ur list...but hey if you can deal with that then by all means I advise you to go there cuz it honestly rocks...
Coming to ragging... Its really not a big deal... I mean I never had a problem with it.... not to sound like a punk but im like twice these people's size.. lol.... but yeah they generally dont bother you too much... Its chill... dont even worry bout it... I have stayed in the hostel so I know what I'm talking bout too... I heard its worse in ram... in the hostels at least... but thats only what ive heard... doubt its that bad their either.... but yeah anyways i would suggest you to stay in an apptt when you do come here.... Hostels arent for NRI's.... we need our privacy.... so yeah...
But yeah hope i answered ur questions... if you got anymore then pm me or post here and ill get you back... but yeah come to KIMS... no need to go to just playin cali...
yo angali.... i just looked at ur post... thats an interesting quote you got there... I'm a baba folower too... Do you go to any centers? When i was home i used to go to Arcadia center sometimes.... wonderin if I might have seen you maybe... haha
deepak~ yes i do go to the arcadia center..although not as much anymore because of the thursday i try and go to the glendale center..its in this patel's motel...its really tight cause they have om's as the design on their front gate just like dr.reddy has om's on his stained glassed windows at the arcadia center...i might have seen you there in the summer or last year or something...who do you know there? i go with my telugu friends and my uncle...and by the way..which is your favorite bhajan?? mine is "guru nanak ji ki jai jai kar.." and also "remind me my lord"...

also...thanks for the info on the india med colleges