Medical Another question about FAP, Disadvantaged, Pell and other things

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Jun 11, 2010
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I wish the AMCAS could be more clear about socio-economic designations. I fit a lot of the bill for disadvantaged. For example:

-FAP recipient
-Family discriminated against for language/ethnicity (not me though)
-Had to provide income for the family during high school, working before 18
-Recipient of Pell grant
-Family had gov assistance at one point
-Not much change except no gov assistance now.

However, I have never really felt that "disadvantaged" throughout my life. I went to an average or ok inner city elementary school, a charter middle school, and a private high school. I was on full scholarship at said private high school though. I barely have had to pay for college because of scholarships and need based aid.

Deep inside I want to say that I was NOT disadvantaged, but some of my family members tell me that yes, you are disadvantaged. Is it really a game changer if I decide not to check disadvantaged?
My perception is that you were not disadvantaged.

If you check the box, and your details come out as you describe above, it will blow up in your face.

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Your high school will be listed on your application. You can still check the boxes that show that you worked prior to age 18 and that you were on government assistance. There is a section of the application where you show how you paid for college. Adcoms can connect those dots even if you don't self-identify as disadvantaged and, in fact, they sometimes think more highly of those who seem to fit the description but don't check the box.
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