Advice on finding undergrad research funding?

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7+ Year Member
Jul 2, 2015
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I completed a research internship over the summer that was funded by my college; however, this funding is a one-time thing (you can't apply twice). I have discussed with my lab to return for this coming summer; however, my PI isn't known to pay students. Basically I have to find my own funding source if I'd like to continue my project in this same lab. There are a few grant options that my college offers but none of them give priority to students like me that are continuing past internships off campus. Hence, I feel like I need backup options.

Does anyone know of anywhere I can apply to for this sort of thing? Otherwise I think my only option is to apply to other paid internships as backups (despite the fact that my lab and I have already pretty much agreed I'm coming back next summer...which is kind of awkward).

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