Adversity Challenge Secondary Essay

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Jul 2, 2018
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Hi everyone,

I'm in the process of writing my secondaries and was wondering what direction I should go with my adversity/challenge essay.

Would it be best if I talk about:

Immigrating to the U.S from Iran at the age of seven:
1. being mocked for not speaking english and the process and determination I had learning it.
2. The cultural shock and racist things I heard said about me and my family.

or Should I focus on how
I overcame a challenge academically or through work at a later age? I volunteer at the International Rescue Committee , I had difficult time teaching and communicating with the students due to the minimal english they spoke. could potentially tie this in with the first point. Or something healthcare specific?

would be nice to hear your suggestions!

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The immigran experience is always good, despite the opinions of He Who Must Not Be Named
Okay thanks for the response, so even if it happened at a younger age you think its okay for me to put it as something I overcame?
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