Adoption of Telehealth Technology among Primary Care Providers Using TAM (Technology Acceptance Model)

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May 1, 2020
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Please read the very important message below. Kindly share the following link on your social media page and with any physician, physician assistant, and nurse practitioner.

Adoption of Telehealth among Primary Care Providers Using TAM (Technology Acceptance Model)

My name is Wendy ColeReed and I am a doctoral student at Northcentral University. I would like to invite you to participate in my research study about the investigation of the factors that affect adoption of telehealth technology among primary care providers that work in a community hospital setting within the United States. I am completing this research as a part of my doctoral degree in Technology and Information Management.
You're eligible to be in this study if you are above the age of 25 years, are a physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant that is practicing with their current certification and that works at a community hospital in the United States. You have at least 5 years of experience as a physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant. You must have access to a device that have internet connectivity.
If you decide to participate in this study, simply click on the link above. You will read and provide the informed consent form and then proceed to take a survey questionnaire that will take you about 15 minutes to complete.
Remember, this is completely voluntary. You may skip any question, stop participation at any time, or you can choose to be in the study or not. If you'd like to participate or have any questions about the study, please email or contact me at [email protected].
Thank you very much.
Wendy ColeReed

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