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You know that it was trump that decided to pull out of afghanistan right? He even set a date and started the troop withdrawal.

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You know that it was trump that decided to pull out of afghanistan right? He even set a date and started the troop withdrawal.

On inauguration day, Biden inherited a whopping 2,500 troops in Afghanistan. The only people shocked that the Taliban took over so quickly were the >300 million Americans who forgot that Afghanistan was even a country for the past 10 years
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I believe the President did receive good advice and recommendations from military leaders, but he chose to ignore it. Joe wanted to take credit for ending a war, that effectively ended a few years ago. We weren't taking casualties. We were in Afghanistan as an occupying presence. We still maintain a large presence in Germany, Japan and S. Korea. This is almost equivalent to Biden removing our troops from Germany and Japan, and taking credit for ending WW2. I'm sure Biden was told to create a long lasting presence in Bagram. We could have had a secure Air Base in a country bordering China, Russia, Iran and Pakistan. He simply wanted to crow about ending the war. The Biden administration is heavily influenced by the liberal arm of Congressional Democrats.

Why believe anything?

As part of the Doha Agreement, the Trump administration agreed to an initial reduction of US forces from 13,000 to 8,600 troops by July 2020, followed by a complete withdrawal by 1 May 2021, if the Taliban kept its commitments.
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Why believe anything?

As part of the Doha Agreement, the Trump administration agreed to an initial reduction of US forces from 13,000 to 8,600 troops by July 2020, followed by a complete withdrawal by 1 May 2021, if the Taliban kept its commitments.
Biden reversed almost every single Trump policy except one. I'll list the Trump policies that Biden changed within the first 90 days:

1. Immigration- Open border policy now. No detainment in Mexico. Illegals are now given bus or plan rides to cities all across America. The numbers of illegals entering each month are at an all time high

2 Paris Climate Accord- We are now back in

3. Keystone pipleline- Now cancelled

In his first 100 days in office, Biden signed more than 60 executive actions, 24 of which are direct reversals of Trump’s policies.

But, when it comes to the terrorist Taliban Biden decided Trump was right when he could easily have reversed course and kept Bagram Air Base open for business. Yes, Biden would have had to shore up the US forces to around 5,000-8,000 but the Afghan Army would have done all the hand to hand combat while we provided logistical support with air power plus drones.
Trump was wrong to make a deal with the Taliban but Biden had no issue with following through on Trump's biggest error while in office. That's because Biden wanted to end the war and conveniently blamed Trump for the reason.

The executive order perseveration is sheer pearl-clutching idiocy. When you're the following act to a twice impeached one-term aka worst fking president in the modern era, then yes, there's going to be a lot of dumpster fires to put out.
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The executive order perseveration is sheer pearl-clutching idiocy. When you're the following act to a twice impeached one-term aka worst fking president in the modern era, then yes, there's going to be a lot of dumpster fires to put out.
Your post only proves my point. If Trump was an idiot, worst president ever, then why in the world would you follow through with making a deal with a terrorist organization like the Taliban? Biden can't reverse every Trump policy except one then blame Trump for the debacle in Afghanistan. If there was ever just ONE policy that needed reversing it was the Trump deal to leave Afghanistan to the Taliban.
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Your post only proves my point. If Trump was an idiot, worst president ever, then why in the world would you follow through with making a deal with a terrorist organization like the Taliban? Biden can't reverse every Trump policy except one then blame Trump for the debacle in Afghanistan. If there was ever just ONE policy that needed reversing it was the Trump deal to leave Afghanistan to the Taliban.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Trump was right to want to pull out of Afghanistan and so was Biden. Trump being right on literally one thing does not excuse the other 4 yrs of buffoonery, but good try there blade.
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Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Trump was right to want to pull out of Afghanistan and so was Biden. Trump being right on literally one thing does not excuse the other 4 yrs of buffoonery, but good try there blade.
I voted against him twice and donated to his opponents, but he did do a few things right:

Got the ball rolling on challenging China. Kept them out of our telecom networks.
The Abraham accords
Killed Solemani
Appointed Jerome Powell
Motivated more people to register and vote in 2020 than ever before. :)
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Biden reversed almost every single Trump policy except one. I'll list the Trump policies that Biden changed within the first 90 days:

1. Immigration- Open border policy now. No detainment in Mexico. Illegals are now given bus or plan rides to cities all across America. The numbers of illegals entering each month are at an all time high

2 Paris Climate Accord- We are now back in

3. Keystone pipleline- Now cancelled

In his first 100 days in office, Biden signed more than 60 executive actions, 24 of which are direct reversals of Trump’s policies.

But, when it comes to the terrorist Taliban Biden decided Trump was right when he could easily have reversed course and kept Bagram Air Base open for business. Yes, Biden would have had to shore up the US forces to around 5,000-8,000 but the Afghan Army would have done all the hand to hand combat while we provided logistical support with air power plus drones.
lol, just link to foxnews, it'll save us all the trouble of not reading your posts

and for the record, 1 is outright false. 2 and 3 are objectively good things except to MAGA idiots.
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Your post only proves my point. If Trump was an idiot, worst president ever, then why in the world would you follow through with making a deal with a terrorist organization like the Taliban? Biden can't reverse every Trump policy except one then blame Trump for the debacle in Afghanistan. If there was ever just ONE policy that needed reversing it was the Trump deal to leave Afghanistan to the Taliban.

Yes Trump started the withdrawal. Yes Biden completed it. Yes both share some responsibility for how things played out. But despite your assertions otherwise, I believe it was still the best course of action. With the benefit of hindsight we should have withdrawn while keeping troops present to secure Kabul/airport and then withdrew troops at the end. I believe much of this error came from the millitary establishments screwed up assessment of the situation on the ground, not from Biden directly, though as CIC the buck still stops with him.

Your idea of just offering logistical and drone support to the ANC wouldn't work. Even before Trump struck his deal with the taliban we were losing ground outside Kabul. To secure the country would have needed another troop surge. Take our troops away, and the ANC surrenders or cuts deals for cash like they did already. It might have been a slower loss without support, but it would have been a loss nontheless. Likewise your idea of just securing and operating a forward air base in the middle of hostile enemy territory is problematic in many ways. 1. All the badness with people fleeing the country still happens because we no longer control the country. 2. That base is a nightmare to secure requiring thousands of troops to maintain an effective perimeter because guess what, its in the middle of hostile territory. 3. The base is still subject to attack, suicide bombings, mortars/artillery fire because again it is in the middle of hostile territory. 4. Its an extremely expensive sinkhole with relatively minimal strategic benefit that we don't already have through allies in germany, Israel, etc. Its near russia, true, but in any real conflict Russia arms the afghans with artillery that makes sustaining the base impossible without securing the whole region.

You compare it to keeping troops in germany or korea or japan. It is a hell of a lot easier, less risky, and less expensive to maintain a base on allied soil then in hostile territory. It is a completely different ball game.
lol, just link to foxnews, it'll save us all the trouble of not reading your posts

and for the record, 1 is outright false. 2 and 3 are objectively good things except to MAGA idiots.
I'm an idiot then because China is just laughing at us while they pollute the world with new Coal powered plants. Biden cancelled the Keystone pipeline but allowed Russia to complete theirs.

Finally, the border is WIDE OPEN with millions streaming across this year. Anyone who says otherwise is a political hack and a liar.


The USA was already making great strides in curtailing CO2 emissions at the state and local level. Regardless of whether the USA joined the Paris Climate accord the US is going Green through capitalism.

China is set to add an army of new coal-fired power plants equivalent to the EU’s entire capacity, as the world’s biggest energy consumer ignores global pressure to rein in carbon emissions in its bid to boost a slowing economy.

Across China, a whopping 148GW of heavily-polluting, coal-fired plants are either being built or are about to begin construction, according to a report from Global Energy Monitor, a non-profit group that monitors coal stations. Putting that number in context, the current capacity of the entire EU coal fleet is 149GW, or the same as what China is about to add.

Biden’s Hypocrisy on Keystone XL vs. Nord Stream 2 Pipelines​

I'm an idiot then because China is just laughing at us while they pollute the world with new Coal powered plants. Biden cancelled the Keystone pipeline but allowed Russia to complete theirs.

Finally, the border is WIDE OPEN with millions streaming across this year. Anyone who says otherwise is a political hack and a liar.

Ummmm, do you realize you're disproving your own point? The number of migrants stopped (either taken into custody or immediately expelled from the country) by CBP was at a record high. That is the opposite of an open border, in which case they are not stopped. Obviously there are many that are not caught, but arguing that migrant apprehensions prove the border is open is like saying increased tax receipts prove there is tax fraud.

You are also neglecting that the vast majority of illegal immigrants enter through ports of entry legally through visas or asylum claims and then overstay their welcome.

Please for your own health turn off all news media. The constant hate/fear mongering is quite literally poisoning your brain
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Biden’s Hypocrisy on Keystone XL vs. Nord Stream 2 Pipelines​

You do realize Biden doesn't have jurisdiction over Russia? America used to be a shining beacon on a hill. Lets lead through example.
lol, just link to foxnews, it'll save us all the trouble of not reading your posts

and for the record, 1 is outright false. 2 and 3 are objectively good things except to MAGA idiots.
I purposely avoid any links to Fox News and use CNN,MSNBC or NPR as much as possible to insulate myself from short bus riders such as yourself.
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Ummmm, do you realize you're disproving your own point? The number of migrants stopped (either taken into custody or immediately expelled from the country) by CBP was at a record high. That is the opposite of an open border, in which case they are not stopped. Obviously there are many that are not caught, but arguing that migrant apprehensions prove the border is open is like saying increased tax receipts prove there is tax fraud.

You are also neglecting that the vast majority of illegal immigrants enter through ports of entry legally through visas or asylum claims and then overstay their welcome.

Please for your own health turn off all news media. The constant hate/fear mongering is quite literally poisoning your brain
Again you are ridiculous. The border is porous and most are allowed right through with the notion of a future hearing date. Every border patrol agent knows this is true and they have been saying as much in public. The Left has lied to you about "legal ports of entry" as many are not reporting for their legal hearings regarding their asylum.
Of the more than 212,000 apprehensions in July, 156,288 were unique encounters, or encounters with migrants who had not previously attempted to cross the border, Mayorkas said. The recidivism rate was 27% – notably higher than during non-pandemic years under typical immigration law.
The level of unique encounters, however, remains higher than the peak in May 2019, during the last migration surge. And even accounting for recidivism, migration is at its highest level in years: There have been 845,307 unique individuals encountered by border agents so far this fiscal year, compared to 796,400 during the same time period in fiscal 2019.

Mayorkas Acknowledges ‘Unprecedented’ Illegal Migration as Border Encounters Hit 21-Year High​

Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas), whose district stretches along the border from Laredo nearly to McAllen, told Axios that, between July 19 and July 26, Border Patrol had released 7,300 migrants in the Rio Grande Valley sector without specific dates to appear in immigration court. In order to cut processing time, agents are issuing a document that instructs migrants to report to an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office within 60 days, at which point their asylum or protection processes will begin. Officials told the New York Times that about 50,000 of these “notice to report” documents have been issued to migrants since March 19. Axios noted that just 6,700 have reported to ICE offices so far, while 16,000 have not shown up within the 60-day reporting window. About 27,000 more haven’t hit the deadline yet. In many cases, no-shows may owe to migrants’ confusion about the process.

Again you are ridiculous. The border is porous and most are allowed right through with the notion of a future hearing date. Every border patrol agent knows this is true and they have been saying as much in public. The Left has lied to you about "legal ports of entry" as many are not reporting for their legal hearings regarding their asylum.

Illegal crossings are way up post election. People south of the border who were thinking about crossing perceived the new administration as less hostile. Also life isn’t getting any easier south of the border.
View attachment 343371

The USA was already making great strides in curtailing CO2 emissions at the state and local level. Regardless of whether the USA joined the Paris Climate accord the US is going Green through capitalism.

China is set to add an army of new coal-fired power plants equivalent to the EU’s entire capacity, as the world’s biggest energy consumer ignores global pressure to rein in carbon emissions in its bid to boost a slowing economy.

Across China, a whopping 148GW of heavily-polluting, coal-fired plants are either being built or are about to begin construction, according to a report from Global Energy Monitor, a non-profit group that monitors coal stations. Putting that number in context, the current capacity of the entire EU coal fleet is 149GW, or the same as what China is about to add.

I can’t quite make out that chart but China represents 18% of the world population. The USA is 4%. Per capita, our carbon footprint dwarfs theirs. Most Americans couldn’t bear to live in the massive, tightly packed apartment complexes where many Chinese live. And regardless of what China is doing, not addressing greenhouse gas emissions and climate change is suicidal. These massive necessary changes need to come from the top. That’s what leadership is.
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I can’t quite make out that chart but China represents 18% of the world population. The USA is 4%. Per capita, our carbon footprint dwarfs theirs. Most Americans couldn’t bear to live in the massive tightly packed apartment complexes where many Chinese live. And regardless of what China is doing, not addressing greenhouse gas emissions and climate change is suicidal. These massive necessary changes need to come from the top. That’s what leadership is.

Good luck with that.

They can have my steak knife and propane grill when they pry them from my cold dead hand.

For some it will be the keys to my giant truck, swimming pool, 4000+ square foot house, several flights per year.

Touch my thermostat and I storm the Whitehouse.
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Good luck with that.

They can have my steak knife and propane grill when they pry them from my cold dead hand.

For some it will be the keys to my giant truck, swimming pool, 4000+ square foot house, several flights per year.

Touch my thermostat and I storm the Whitehouse.

As someone that's interested in basically all of these things I am feeling a little guilty. Maybe a solar panel farm and a tesla can help assuage my guilt?
As someone that's interested in basically all of these things I am feeling a little guilty. Maybe a solar panel farm and a tesla can help assuage my guilt?

Don’t forget purchase some carbon credits/offsets
As someone that's interested in basically all of these things I am feeling a little guilty. Maybe a solar panel farm and a tesla can help assuage my guilt?
Solar system installed last month. If you own your home and live in a good climate for it it’s a no brainer. Limit your footprint and save money at the same time!
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im glad to see the pain forum isnt the only one with political BS.

Let's go Brandon!
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