Accepted to UW! Done w/Pre-Reqs! Take it easy or hit the books early?

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Feb 20, 2010
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After years of hard work and nail-biting, I was accepted to the University of Washington DPT program and will start at the end of the September! My dilemma now is what to do until then...should I take it easy, do some reading, volunteer at the humane society, exercise, go on camping trips, or try to get a temporary job (we can live off my husband's salary alone for the time being, though some extra money would be great). I might also have a shot at another, more lucrative job but it would involve leaving my husband for the whole summer, and I'm not sure I want to throw away what could be our last peaceful time together before I'm knee-deep in homework again.

I did well in my anatomy/biology/physiology classes, but I'm a pro at memorizing what's necessary for the test and then forgetting/replacing it with the new information, so I'm not sure how much of it I'll be able to readily draw on when I'm back in classes. If I wanted to get a leg up on what to study in preparation for my first year, what resources should I look to?

Thanks for any advice!

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Relax and enjoy yourself. You have worked hard to get where you are today. Seriously!!! Unless you have a financial hardship, you should really take time off.
Is anyone nervous as hell? I've been working toward this goal for 2 years and had 2 major anxiety issues since then. 1 when i finished all of my applications, and 2, right now (finished my final prereq tomorrow morning). the thought of 3 years of full time school is starting to take its toll on me and im getting a little anxious (mainly whether all of this will pay off).

Anyone else in the same boat and care to offer some motivation/advice?
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I would opt to take it easy, spend time with your husband, and just have a nice , relaxing time. Sure, going over muscles and their actions/innervations may help you a little bit, but it's really a moot point. The UW program will give you exactly what you need for anatomy, and will make it more interesting and insightful to learn than right now on your own, and you'll be in the same boat with your classmates.

First year will demand a lot of your time, especially the first couple of quarters. It'll seem hectic for a few months, then by the 3rd quarter you'll notice you're starting to remember a fair amount of the material from seeing it over and over again and you'll start to build more confidence and get in a comfort zone.

So have fun, and congratulations!!! It's so nice to have all that hard work pay off, isn't it?