Accepted but want to withdraw/reapply for a "better" medical school?

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I can understand wanting something better than what you have. It's happened to all of us. And I agree, you probably did deserve to go somewhere better than SLU. But that's not what happened. Sorry bruh.

Now you have two options: go to SLU or try to reapply.

If you withdraw and reapply, you have a possibility of getting into a school you like more. The opportunity cost of this move is one year of forgone income ($380,000 if derm), and a substantially increased likelihood that you will not be accepted anywhere and will need to apply yet again or perhaps, in the extreme case, even be forced to choose an entirely different career path. This is on top of the costs of re-application and interviewing, the stress of the app cycle, etc. This could work, but it seems like an extremely high risk option.

If you decide to go to SLU, you perhaps will be left with a tinge of regret, knowing you could have had something better. However, you can take steps to ensure that you improve your chances of getting into derm. You were already willing to give up a year--so you could do a year long dermatology research fellowship after 2nd or 3rd year, after you've completely crushed step 1. You'll have no personal obligations, so you can be a robot in years 1 and 2 to get the score you need. You're going to become a doctor if you go to SLU. And your chances of becoming a dermatologist? It's hard to predict the future, but I'm really inclined to say that you have greater chances of becoming a dermatologist by attending SLU than withdrawing and trying to reapply.
Sorry you're not feeling thrilled about your acceptance, but really it is an accomplishment to get accepted.

You could have done better, but now you've learned to work hard on making sure your LORs are overwhelmingly positive, and to really perfect all aspects of your app. Hopefully you carry these lessons with you when it comes time to apply to residency!

Good Luck!

Oh.... and Go to the top 10 if you get in! Duh lol.

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The only people who care about school rankings are gunners who tie their whole existence to a career in medicine.

Look at the big picture OP. You are trying to learn a trade. The end game will be to use this trade to treat people who are sick and need your help. None of these sick individuals are going to care where you went to medical school, and probably won't care where you did your residency. They WILL care about your skill as a physician, and in America every MD school will give you those skills. Talking about subjective ranks that are based on strangers' own relative opinion creates a shaky foundation that eventually crumbles under those who put too much stock into them (looking at you SDN). At some point you have to take the false competition out of this process or you'll keep chasing something that doesn't exist, and you'll end up bitter when you find that, in the end, nobody worth being around really cares.
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SLU is an amazing school!! Please just take your acceptance and go there...
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This thread gave me chest pain.
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Hi all!

All in all, I am wondering,
1. What do medical schools think if you withdraw from a school, and reapply the next cycle? Would other medical schools be able to find out if you didnt matriculate but simply got accepted?
2. How bad is it to be a reapplicant? I dont want to miss out on this opportunity but I know I could pursue research in derm at "better" institutions with my application.
It would be great to have an opinion or some insight from someone who has been through this or had a friend who went through this, maybe not just "speculation" but all opinions are welcome!

DISCLAIMER; please no negativity, i am grateful to have been accepted to one medical school but it can be a little disheartening when everyone tells you you deserve to go to a top 10 but barely get into one school. i hope i dont come off entitled, thats definitely not what i am, i just want to know if i have a shot to get into another school

May be this response is late, but have you considered, deferring your acceptance to next year , a lot of medical schools allow one year to join.
May be this response is late, but have you considered, deferring your acceptance to next year , a lot of medical schools allow one year to join.
Basically you need a REALLY good reason to get a deferment, and second you can't defer your acceptance and later tell the school: "oh wait sorry I can't attend here anymore I got in somewhere else". That could cause you some serious trouble later on.

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My sincerest condolence to SLU for taking this gunner :( really liked my interviewer and the school when I was there
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I have a friend who got in SLU but now he's worried because the school is on probation. Would it be a bad idea to turn down the acceptance?
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I have a friend who got in SLU but now he's worried because the school is on probation. Would it be a bad idea to turn down the acceptance?

I’m definitely the wrong person to answer that question—deferring to people who know more than I do!

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Only Californians start these threads. It's the most bizarrely consistent phenomenon on SDN.
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50% of all first year medical students got a single acceptance
I was wondering Gonnif where did you get this "60% rejected, 20% single acceptance, 20% multiple acceptance" statistic? And is it really that consistent each year?
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I think SLU gets way too much disrespect around here.
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Bad idea
The probation will be temporary. SLU is fixing its shortfalls..including not enough low income students
Not having enough low income students is a shortfall that can put you on probation?

Do you have to have an insanely disproportionate amount of low income students for that?
Only Californians start these threads. It's the most bizarrely consistent phenomenon on SDN.

This thread and the yearly “I moved out of California for med school and now I’m depressed” or “I moved out of California for med school, how do I match back to California” threads are all intimately related.
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This thread and the yearly “I moved out of California for med school and now I’m depressed” or “I moved out of California for med school, how do I match back to California” threads are all intimately related.
Speaking as a Californian, it is pretty nice here. I could understand why someone would be depressed if they needed to leave.

It's also just a really different culture from the east coast. Some people don't like it.
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Probably should start a new thread but @gonnif , why do you think there was a significant decrease in applicants for this past cycle (17-18)?
Yup. For all those poor folks who couldn't hack in in Iowa (their #1)
Good Grief! It that doesn't put some perspective on USN rankings for ya...
Don't take so much offense to it. Among the reasons California ranked so low (32nd overall) is poor air quality (50th), opportunity (46th), affordability (49th), income gap by race (49th), employment gap by gender (47th), traffic, fiscal stability (43rd), public education (primary school, 44th). Hence, all the things those growing up in California with a silver spoon in their mouths don't have to deal with. Which, based on parental income, are disproportionately are applying to medical school/on sdn.
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Speaking as a Californian, it is pretty nice here. I could understand why someone would be depressed if they needed to leave.

It's also just a really different culture from the east coast. Some people don't like it.

There’s a whole country between the east and west coast!
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Don't take so much offense to it. Among the reasons California ranked so low (32nd overall) is poor air quality (50th), opportunity (46th), affordability (49th), income gap by race (49th), employment gap by gender (47th), traffic, fiscal stability (43rd), public education (primary school, 44th). Hence, all the things those growing up in California with a silver spoon in their mouths don't have to deal with. Which, based on parental income, are disproportionately are applying to medical school/on sdn.

Excellent observation. Bourgeois privilege duly noted.
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Imagine the dent made in an average person's pocket by applying to 60 medical schools.

Now imagine a person getting the fruits out of this huge dent in their pocket and still complaining.

Entitled sounds about right.
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They will be able to see that you were accepted and declined it. That is the death of your applications moving forward, period.
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Although I definitely don't recommend turning down SLU, interestingly enough, one of my undergraduate classmates turned down his state school after being accepted and still got quite a few great interviews and an acceptance he didn't get the previous year. He did work a new job for the next year and that may have made up for it maybe.... entirely anecdotal but just wanted to add that while it definitely isn't a good idea, it's not necessarily an absolute death sentence to reapply.
To be fair, St. Louis is only 750 mi from the Atlantic and shares richly in that East coast culture common to places where Californians are afraid to live, such as Chicago, Dallas, and Tuscon.