$4.00 Walmart..Do u think pharmacists will be in trouble?

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Sep 14, 2006
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I know everyone has heard about the $4.00 prescriptions at wal mart....Do you think that this will cause problems for pharmacists and pharmaceutical companies. If Wal mart begins taking over, like they usually do, Do you think pharmacists pay scale and general employment rate will decline or basically stand still?

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Well, from a Canadian perspective, I believe that the $4 target for some 200 generic meds might encourage more folks to return to their local pharmacies, rather than searching online. The article I read on msn.com, stated that no online ordering, even within the US was allowed. Only online ordering in which the patients eventually go to the Wal-mart pharmacy to pick up their prescriptions is allowed. So, I would not take this marketing theme on a negative note (unless you work for an online pharmacy). The main thing that is probably happening is that Wal-Mart is making big contracts with a few generic companies, and lowering the price. Another non-economic advantage is that if more patients go to Wal-Mart, at least they will have a better chance at being counselled, rather than ordering online.
Let me show you why this is bullshi+

lisinopril 5mg
lisinopril 10 mg
lisinopril 20 mg
lisinoprol 40 mg

wow, I just named 4 drugs and there are even more strengths that I didn't mention. It's just a marketing campaign...
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actually I work for wal-mart pharmacy, and they didn't mention that different strengths would be considered different drugs. As of now, 279 generic drugs are going to be sold for $4 in Tampa Fl (only) and will be sold in the state of Florida starting Jan 1 2007. They haven't decided when other states will start the program, but I believe it is because they want to see how Florida (the guinea pig) will turn out.

Wal-mart is taking big steps against their competitors.
they probably rank the 300 lowest-priced generics... maybe 200 of them no one even takes anymore :p

or their list will be something like : atenolol, atenolol/hydrochlorothiazide, hydrochlorothiazide, prednisone, ..

I really doubt they would have generics like clopidogrel (plavix) or even sertraline (zoloft) coz they just came out to the market.

But then again, walmart's main sales come from the store, not the pharmacy. Whatever profits they cut back from the pharmacy, they will gain it back by that same customer purchasing stuff in their stores while they wait for their scripts. same with target and kmart
Take into mind these are older drugs that already have generics available...In addition this program is only going to be tried out in Florida, and if all goes well it will be implemented elsewhere. As far as hurting pharmacist salaries, I dont think it will have an effect, walmart is going to need to hire pharmacist, and if they are not offering market rate for a pharmacist salary, then no one is going to work for them.
Independent Pharms are in Big trouble, no one can compete with that especiallty with profit margins shrinking as it is, If you are not well established already. It will be definetley be a shakeout transition. :mad:
I don't think it will do anything to pharmacist's salaries. It will mainly hurt mom & pop pharmacies, which is a shame.

The drugs are very old maintenance drugs and geared towards the Florida Medicaid formulary and meds for elderly patients. It may work in Florida, but not in states with a younger population.

It won't hurt chains like Walgreens, either. For instance, Walmart will sell HCTZ, 30 days supply for $4.00. Walgreens sells a 60 day supply for $12, or a 90 day supply for even less. The person will save $2 per month by going to Walmart and only if their med is on the limited formulary. Plus, they'll have to drive there every month instead of getting a 90 day supply. It will cost them more in gasoline.
As this new gimic that wal-mart is starting may help a group of patients, it would not work for everbody, thus pharmacists need to to worry? One, 279 generics is like 15% of the generic pool. Two, most people have insurance which pay's more than $4 for a month. If you pay $10 for a 3 month supply, why would you want to pay $12 and wait forever? Just my opinion