2008-2009 Howard University Secondary Application Thread

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man i am pretty excited about the move to DC,

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Hi everyone! :)

ANY tips for me on applying for this school (PS, apply dates, etc etc etc, anything really)? This is the only school I'm applying for this year. I love this school :love: I'll be a senior undergrad in Fall 2009. Do you mind me asking what you all's stats were to get a interview invite? :D
I have been complete at Howard since September and still have heard nothing! I don't know what happened because I definately feel like I should have got an interview. Oh well...
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Hey guys, I'm making my travel arrangements to Howard as I have an interview coming up. Just wanted to know what time did you guys get out of the interview. My return flight is at 4:55. Will I get out early enough to catch my flight?
Hey guys, I'm making my travel arrangements to Howard as I have an interview coming up. Just wanted to know what time did you guys get out of the interview. My return flight is at 4:55. Will I get out early enough to catch my flight?

That is cutting it close. I would call them and let them know in advance your travel arrangements so that you can be one of the first ones to interview. They will be willing to work with you. You may need to take the metro after the interview to avoid traffic, it can be pretty unpredictable.

Good luck on the interview!!!
Any news? Any new classmates?
Well, I am rather disappointed. I had a meeting with Mrs. Walk a few weeks ago and I felt like I was chewed out for things that were somewhat irrelevant to my status as an applicant. I don't mind my grades or MCAT scores receiving criticism, because those are very significant factors that weigh a person's chances of being accepted but I was honestly a little baffled by some of the things she had said to me. For starters, she said word for word, "You are not disadvantaged. I know this because your father is a doctor." That statement was followed up with a description about how she has reviewed people's applications where they claim that they are interested in working in underserved areas up until she finds out that they only worked for a few hours in a soup kitchen once during the semester. It seemed to indicate that she was suspicious of my intentions, which truly upsets me. I am by no means attempting to get anyone on her bad side because I have heard nothing but good things about Mrs. Walk and this is why a statement like that surprises me so much. It's unprofessional to assume that I am, at heart, disinterested in primary health care in medically disenfranchised communities because I am white and have a father who is a physician. For all she knows, I am estranged from my father and have nothing to do with him. I may not know what it is like to be impoverished and God forbid I ever find out, but everyone can face hardship. Heck, I was physically abused by my 4th grade teacher and it caused me to go into a severe depression at the age of 10 subsequently leading to over a weeks worth of sleep deprivation and a near death experience as a result. Not long after this incident, I went to boarding school for four years for the sake of just getting out of the area and meeting new people so I could get back on track. It was definitely necessary but fact of the matter remains that I was essentially separated from my family for four years. Anyway, point is, I get how easy it is to slip and lose what either seems like everything or what is in fact just about everything regardless of where people stand in life. My goal has always been about catering to underrepresented communities and I have always wanted to make a difference in both relieving people from the detriments caused by living in financially and resourcefully disadvantaged areas and to also attempt taking away people's contempt for the impoverished who lack the empathy for them. I have done volunteer work throughout high school and continue to do it now. I had the opportunity of doing research at NIH or traveling to Neveda for a microbiology research internship, but I turned both of them down for an internship that works with underrepresented people in DC, specifically those afflicted with HIV/AIDS and not because it looks good on paper but because it is almost perfectly tailored to my aspirations in life.

Furthermore, she claimed that while my GPA was competitive, my second MCAT score didn't make me eligible for John's Hopkins. I don't even know where that came from. I came to Howard to discuss my interest in Howard. For the record, I didn't even apply to John's Hopkins and I was never even interested in going to medical school for the mere sake of prestige and self entitlement. I don't know, the whole thing just didn't sit well with me.

Anyway, sorry for the tangent. I only speak of this because I am so surprised by how this turned out and I wonder if what Mrs. Walk said to me was uncalled for or if brutal honesty like that is just part of the application process. When my father caught word of it, he almost wrote a letter of disapproval without me knowing but I am SO glad he didn't do that because that would be humiliating. That, and Howard still continues to be my top choice and if I have to reapply I will do so despite my parents new dislike for the school as result of that conversation. Hopefully, despite this post, I can get on Mrs. Walk's good side next time around.
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Okay, so I tried to post earlier...not sure what happened...

HELLO everyone!! I interviewed at Howard on 4/21, and at that time Ms. Walk said that the class was technically full. They are just waiting on all those CRAZY people who don't want to go to Howard to officially decline their acceptances. Well, good luck to them...Hopefully, their loss will be my gain (and that of other deserving premeds who would die for a chance to go there). I LOVED HOWARD AND DC!!!! It felt like a huge family, right? I am staying very hopeful and optimisitic...

I also got one of those weird emails back in March stating that there were 30 spots left and that they would continue to interview throughout May, but literally 10 minutes later I got an April interview invitation via email. So, I am not sure what's up with that.

Definitely a history of and commitment to serving the underserved is a big requirement at Howard. Ms. Walk said that she'd pass over a 45 MCAT for someone with a true history of service without blinking.

Regarding the post stating that "It's unprofessional to assume that I am, at heart, disinterested in primary health care in medically disenfranchised communities because I am white and have a father who is a physician."

I think that you really need to sit back and take a long, hard look at why you want to go to Howard and how you are expressing that. Howard accepts tons of people who are children of physicians. Ms. Walk is probably being very perceptive of the fact that you are still seeing only skin deep. Did she mention anything to do with your ethnicity or race? I seriously doubt it. She doesn't care if you are pink with teal polka dots. She's probably somehow not sure if you would be truly comfortable at Howard. This is because that's what you're projecting. The fact that you are white might actually be an advantage at Howard and other HBCUs. If you want to be a great physician, you need to stop thinking about race (even unintentionally).

You need to flip your thinking...because you grew up advantaged, it shows great compassion that you have worked in disadvantaged areas. That's what you need to project...more of "Look, I grew up advantaged and it's actually more difficult to connect with a disadvantaged patient population, but I have done it. Not only have I done it, but I can do it the same or better as someone who actually comes from a disadvantaged background." I felt that Howard is all about honesty and being genuine. I want to do oncology, and I put that in my personal statement. I was being honest. If you grew up financially advantaged, say that it was an advantage or challenge in certain situations. Just don't try to make it seem like you weren't advantaged, bc that is not gonna fly.

Watch your words, when you say "I may not know what it is like to be impoverished and God forbid I ever find out, but everyone can face hardship." I don't doubt that you could face hardship like a trooper, but think about what you are projecting when you verbalize your feelings and frustrations in this situation.

Not everyone can face hardship, bc people are different. You are an adult, but these hardships face children. I grew up with 6 kids in my family, living in a tiny three bedroom apartment with no money for milk. So, instead of milk you have to use water for your cereal, but that's only when you have cereal to even eat. Imagine the only vegetables that you see are canned and the only form of fresh fruit that you get is in the free lunch line at the school cafeteria. When you are eight years old and you feel sick and need to see a doctor but you are fully cognizant of the fact that your single parent mother can't afford to take you to the doctor let alone miss a day of work to do so...this is a disadvantaged situation that you will never be able to connect with and that's okay. BUT...just be honest about that.

If Howard is the school that you want to go to, then you need to be resolute and positive. You need to believe that this class is missing out on something if they don't take you. GOOD LUCK and stay STRICTLY POSITIVE!!!! And please, no more because I am white comments. ;)
Well, I am rather disappointed. I had a meeting with Mrs. Walk a few weeks ago and I felt like I was chewed out for things that were somewhat irrelevant to my status as an applicant. I don't mind my grades or MCAT scores receiving criticism, because those are very significant factors that weigh a person's chances of being accepted but I was honestly a little baffled by some of the things she had said to me. For starters, she said word for word, "You are not disadvantaged. I know this because your father is a doctor." That statement was followed up with a description about how she has reviewed people's applications where they claim that they are interested in working in underserved areas up until she finds out that they only worked for a few hours in a soup kitchen once during the semester. It seemed to indicate that she was suspicious of my intentions, which truly upsets me. I am by no means attempting to get anyone on her bad side because I have heard nothing but good things about Mrs. Walk and this is why a statement like that surprises me so much. It's unprofessional to assume that I am, at heart, disinterested in primary health care in medically disenfranchised communities because I am white and have a father who is a physician. For all she knows, I am estranged from my father and have nothing to do with him. I may not know what it is like to be impoverished and God forbid I ever find out, but everyone can face hardship. Heck, I was physically abused by my 4th grade teacher and it caused me to go into a severe depression at the age of 10 subsequently leading to over a weeks worth of sleep deprivation and a near death experience as a result. Not long after this incident, I went to boarding school for four years for the sake of just getting out of the area and meeting new people so I could get back on track. It was definitely necessary but fact of the matter remains that I was essentially separated from my family for four years. Anyway, point is, I get how easy it is to slip and lose what either seems like everything or what is in fact just about everything regardless of where people stand in life. My goal has always been about catering to underrepresented communities and I have always wanted to make a difference in both relieving people from the detriments caused by living in financially and resourcefully disadvantaged areas and to also attempt taking away people's contempt for the impoverished who lack the empathy for them. I have done volunteer work throughout high school and continue to do it now. I had the opportunity of doing research at NIH or traveling to Neveda for a microbiology research internship, but I turned both of them down for an internship that works with underrepresented people in DC, specifically those afflicted with HIV/AIDS and not because it looks good on paper but because it is almost perfectly tailored to my aspirations in life.

Furthermore, she claimed that while my GPA was competitive, my second MCAT score didn't make me eligible for John's Hopkins. I don't even know where that came from. I came to Howard to discuss my interest in Howard. For the record, I didn't even apply to John's Hopkins and I was never even interested in going to medical school for the mere sake of prestige and self entitlement. I don't know, the whole thing just didn't sit well with me.

Anyway, sorry for the tangent. I only speak of this because I am so surprised by how this turned out and I wonder if what Mrs. Walk said to me was uncalled for or if brutal honesty like that is just part of the application process. When my father caught word of it, he almost wrote a letter of disapproval without me knowing but I am SO glad he didn't do that because that would be humiliating. That, and Howard still continues to be my top choice and if I have to reapply I will do so despite my parents new dislike for the school as result of that conversation. Hopefully, despite this post, I can get on Mrs. Walk's good side next time around.

I realize how upsetting it can be to have someone in a position of control say stuff that is hurtful and that you don't feel like you have a fair opportunity to counter. I have friends who are white children of physicians who attended Howard's med school, and I know from their experiences there that being such wasn't a problem with anybody. Indeed, I am one of those individuals, myself, and applied due to their good experiences.

I am concerned that the way you have presented it here, you don't show a great sensitivity to the difference between personal hardship and socioeconomic hardship. You profer your experience and response to abuse as an example of how you "I get how easy it is to slip and lose what either seems like everything or what is in fact just about everything," so it looks like you don't get the fact that this happens all the time to underprivileged children and they don't have the resources to help them get the medical care you got after the abuse or leave the situation to go to boarding school.

If the same attitude has come across in your apps & interviews, I think you could substantially mature the way you have presented it by acknowledging all the benefits, resources, and privileges to which you had access. Identify the key factors that helped you overcome this event how absent they are for the kids with whom you have worked. Acknowledge not how your perspective has given you insight to hardship, but how your privileged perspective helps you to aspire to do X, Y, and Z to ensure that by becoming a physician for the underserved, more kids and families have access to those privileges.

Any applicant treads on dangerous territory when discussing issues of personal "hardship," because it can easily come across as immature, naive, etc. if you don't properly spin it to focus on how it has benefitted/motivated you.
I realize how upsetting it can be to have someone in a position of control say stuff that is hurtful and that you don't feel like you have a fair opportunity to counter. I have friends who are white children of physicians who attended Howard's med school, and I know from their experiences there that being such wasn't a problem with anybody. Indeed, I am one of those individuals, myself, and applied due to their good experiences.

I am concerned that the way you have presented it here, you don't show a great sensitivity to the difference between personal hardship and socioeconomic hardship. You profer your experience and response to abuse as an example of how you "I get how easy it is to slip and lose what either seems like everything or what is in fact just about everything," so it looks like you don't get the fact that this happens all the time to underprivileged children and they don't have the resources to help them get the medical care you got after the abuse or leave the situation to go to boarding school.

If the same attitude has come across in your apps & interviews, I think you could substantially mature the way you have presented it by acknowledging all the benefits, resources, and privileges to which you had access. Identify the key factors that helped you overcome this event how absent they are for the kids with whom you have worked. Acknowledge not how your perspective has given you insight to hardship, but how your privileged perspective helps you to aspire to do X, Y, and Z to ensure that by becoming a physician for the underserved, more kids and families have access to those privileges.

Any applicant treads on dangerous territory when discussing issues of personal "hardship," because it can easily come across as immature, naive, etc. if you don't properly spin it to focus on how it has benefitted/motivated you.

You're right, there is a significant difference between socioeconomic and emotional hardship. I apologize if my message insinuated that there was little difference between the two. That was not my intention. When I mention, "just how easy it is to slip," I refer to contemptuous people who claim that those who live in poverty for whatever reason, are responsible for getting themselves there. I don't think that they realize that there are many perfectly hard working, self sufficient, level headed people who inevitably run into a series of misfortunate events and end up in really bad and so far as near destitute situations. Furthermore, they don't seem to ever step back and think that it could, in fact, happen to them. Honestly, that is partially why I am so involved because instead of lettting my fear of becoming impoverished get to me and turn into hatred, (like many people seem to do), I'd rather gear it toward something positive and sympathetic by altruistically dealing with a prevalent issue. People don't ask to be poor and it is unfair to assume that irrational measures or apathy always get impoverished people in their situation. That was what I meant. :luck:

I did learn a lot from the emotional adversity faced as a kid, it has much to do with why I want to become a physician today. Truth of the matter is that nobody did know what was happening to me at that age for awhile. Instead of my teacher being investigated, the school district tried to talk my parents into sending me to reform school. There were many other things that happened in the process which led to a legitimate lawsuit but I won't bother going into detail. But yes, I am thankful that I was saved in the longrun once I managed speaking out and when we had physical evidence. I think almost every day of what would have become of me if I did not receive the treatment that I did and then I realize that there are many other children who face similar or even worse situations and don't get treated. That thought really bothers me and it's an issue that I want to tend to and I think that in addition to everything I am already doing, Howard would make for excellent preparation in me making a difference. I didn't emphasize on my childhood woes and meaning it has brought me in the present in the previous post because I didn't want it to come off as a blog entry centered around my childhood. I just meant to give an example because I think that the term, "disadvantage" has a broader meaning.

Somebody mentioned that I may not feel comfortable at Howard. I could not feel more comfortable at any other school. I have written letters of interest, one of which described my enthusiasm and appreciation for the student body at Howard as well as how much I have connected with many of Howard's applicants. As for the use of all the white statements, I thought I only said it once, but I see how that was unnecessary and I apologize. I have been made fun of or criticized for the entire year when I would tell people (some of whom were respectable adults mind you) that Howard is my top choice, and I would often get trumped with the "white card" as a result. It was unfair of me to assume that Mrs. Walk was doing that too, I think I just got fed up after awhile from people not taking my intentions seriously and so far as dissuading me with statements like, "Maybe you should focus more on G.W. or Georgetown," and I became rash in my assumption. Sorry for that.
Hey everyone,

Tried posting in another Howard related post but never got an answer. I am a HUCM hopeful from Michigan and absolutely loved the school and the surrounding area. I have never felt such a family-close educational enviroment even remotely like Howard. I had my interview back in March 30 and have been waiting ever since. I am about to send a Letter of Intent soon to Howard as it is my first choice however i recently was rejected from my last applied school and i dont want to send anything now because i am afraid that Howard will look at it and think i am sending the letter because i have no other choices. Anyways i was wondering if anyone could let me know how long it for them to get a reply in regards to acceptance. I thought Mrs. Walk had told me 3 weeks but i could have misinterpreted that as my application would not be reviewed until 3 weeks from now. I am literally praying every day that i get in and if someone could offer me some insight on the rest of the process it would put my mind in ease.
Hey everyone,

Tried posting in another Howard related post but never got an answer. I am a HUCM hopeful from Michigan and absolutely loved the school and the surrounding area. I have never felt such a family-close educational enviroment even remotely like Howard. I had my interview back in March 30 and have been waiting ever since. I am about to send a Letter of Intent soon to Howard as it is my first choice however i recently was rejected from my last applied school and i dont want to send anything now because i am afraid that Howard will look at it and think i am sending the letter because i have no other choices. Anyways i was wondering if anyone could let me know how long it for them to get a reply in regards to acceptance. I thought Mrs. Walk had told me 3 weeks but i could have misinterpreted that as my application would not be reviewed until 3 weeks from now. I am literally praying every day that i get in and if someone could offer me some insight on the rest of the process it would put my mind in ease.

MIDoc, how you doing? HUCM is a great place and I hope you will get the opportunity to join us this fall. I don't see anything wrong with sending a 2-3 sentence email to Ms. Walk stating how much you love Howard. When she said 3 weeks, she probably meant 3 weeks to be reviewed. Once you get reviewed, you will get an email from Ms. Walk saying your file is out of committee and that you will receive a decision letter. It took me a while to hear back. I interviewed in December and received my acceptance in March. I am sure that you will hear something in the next couple of weeks. Just try to remain confident and positive and stay prayed up. They are finished interviewing so, I am sure your acceptance is on its way. Just keep believing and hope and pray for the best. Try to do something to take your mind off it for a lil bit. Let us know when you get your decision. God bless!
Hey everyone,

Just wanted to update you guys on my application process. It looks like Howard has put me on this Super Alternative list. I realize that i am not in and have to rely on others choosing not to come in but could this be a good sign or pretty much a rejection notice. I am so close i can see it but i just need to get over one hurdle!!!
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Hey everyone,

Just wanted to update you guys on my application process. It looks like Howard has put me on this Super Alternative list. I realize that i am not in and have to rely on others choosing not to come in but could this be a good sign or pretty much a rejection notice. I am so close i can see it but i just need to get over one hurdle!!!

I was on the super alternate list 2 weeks ago. I got off in less than a week. I'm sure you'll get off after May 15th where there is a lot of waitlist movement, but if not just keep expressing your continued interest in the school (which is what I did) and I'm sure you'll be fine. Congrats.
I was on the super alternate list 2 weeks ago. I got off in less than a week. I'm sure you'll get off after May 15th where there is a lot of waitlist movement, but if not just keep expressing your continued interest in the school (which is what I did) and I'm sure you'll be fine. Congrats.

Congrats App! See you in the Fall!
Thanks App for the words of encouragement. Soon after i read your post i checked my email for any news and found out that they had made a decision on my application and they said i could call to get an early decision. Called in and i was told that i would be attending Howard University College of Medicine this July!!! Looks like i will be meeting you guys there!! Can't wait!!!
Congrats Mito!!! PARP starts tomorrow, bright and early! Anxious, excited, and nervous all at the same time.
I was on the super alternate list 2 weeks ago. I got off in less than a week. I'm sure you'll get off after May 15th where there is a lot of waitlist movement, but if not just keep expressing your continued interest in the school (which is what I did) and I'm sure you'll be fine. Congrats.

Thanks App for the words of encouragement. Soon after i read your post i checked my email for any news and found out that they had made a decision on my application and they said i could call to get an early decision. Called in and i was told that i would be attending Howard University College of Medicine this July!!! Looks like i will be meeting you guys there!! Can't wait!!!

Congrats App and MtioDC! That is a wonderful blessing. Welcome to the family. I have met a couple of our classmates and we are going to have a great class. Now get over to the facebook group and join it so you can meet other classmates. See you soon and God bless!
Thanks! I'm very excited. See you all in July. :)
Hey all,

Just had a question for anyone up at this time. I just recieved my financial aid packet today in the mail but i thought that i would get an acceptance letter or something to set up my id number. Do i have to fill out the fin aid before or was i suppose to get another letter?
:soexcited::zip::banana:Howard University College of Medicine Class of 2013!!!:banana::zip::soexcited:
Received the email literally five minutes after i submitted my biomedical applications
:soexcited::zip::banana:Howard University College of Medicine Class of 2013!!!:banana::zip::soexcited:
Received the email literally five minutes after i submitted my biomedical applications

Congrats Kennesaw! Welcome to the family. Are you coming for sure? Make sure if you have facebook to join our class group.
:soexcited::zip::banana:Howard University College of Medicine Class of 2013!!!:banana::zip::soexcited:
Received the email literally five minutes after i submitted my biomedical applications

Congrats!!! See you in July! Time to start looking for apartments.
Where are you all staying, i looking at apartments in the msryland area
I am planning on applying for a two bedroom apartment in the east towers---If anyone is looking for an apartment its going to be around $940 per person.

I am a 21 year old male (Pharmacy Student)
For those of you still praying for an acceptance from the alternate list, don't lose hope. I will be withdrawling my acceptance within a day or two because I was just accepted into my top choice school. Howard is a great school and I would have enjoyed it. Hope one of you enjoys my spot!
Hey, have people been receiving letters yet saying that this cycle is officially over (aka, the official rejection letter)? Does Howard even send rejection letters? I'm just curious.
Hey, have people been receiving letters yet saying that this cycle is officially over (aka, the official rejection letter)? Does Howard even send rejection letters? I'm just curious.

Yes actually they do. I just got one yesterday, even though the letter is dated June 30th.
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