1st yr more difficult than 2nd???

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Aug 7, 2002
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At my school, students were lead to believe 1st semester of 1st year was the absolute worst and things will only get better as we go on.
I have been bored and browsing threads and it seems everyone agrees 2nd year is the hardest. Is that true?

If you guys don't mind sharing some info about your schools curriculum, I'd appreciate it. I'm just curious to see what other SOMs are learning, plus I'm a little disappointed with my own 2nd year schedule.


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Hey there,

Just a little info re: MSUCOMs 2nd year program. We are taught on a systems basis for the majority of the 2nd year. For instance, for a specified number of weeks we look at just the Cardiovascular System and go over the anatomy, pathophysiology, etc. etc. for just that one system. Each bodily system is instructed to us in this way. We also have a preceptorship program where each of us is assigned a GP to work with in his/her office and we take more complete histories, perform more clinical skills, and start to develop better charting skills (i.e. SOAP notes).

From the majority of 2nd years that I've talked with in our program, they seem to think that 2nd year is WAY better than 1st year because things become more clinically relevant and you are beginning to solve problems and actually do "doctorly" things. I know that it is a lot of work, but because you already have a year of school under your belt, it probably feels a lot better. In addition, the exam schedule isn't as hectic, so that relieves a little stress. I hope that this answers your questions.

Just out of curiousity, what don't you like about your program?

Best of luck,
The 1st yr we had block exams ..we were given just exams for that week of blocks w/o lectures. 2nd yr we have modules. I think there's over 26 exams all over the place...some days 3 exams on the same day and never a day w/o lectures. The days are from 8:00 to 4&5:00 and we have only 2 weeks to study for boards.
My school also does that preceptor thing... 30 required hours for the year.
1st yr we had; physio,biochem,histo,genetics,neuro,anato,micro and a few filler classes. That leaves pharm and path mixed in with the medicine for 2nd yr. I guess it makes sense but our schedule seems so different compared to other schools. Most take the systems based approach. I am concerned about boards mostly and whether or not our curriculum prepares us to do well.
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At LECOM I thought the second year was harder than the first...Especially when you get to the second semester and are trying to study for both boards and classes.

In our first year we did all the basic science courses the first semester, then in the second semester had the Dermatology, Musculoskeletal, and Neurosensory system. First semester of our second year was the Cardiovascular System, Respiratory System, Hem/Onc System, and Renal System. Second semester of our second year was the GI system, Endocrine system, and Reproductive system (and the classes from this semester were really of less concern to me because I cared more about boards). Second year was hard because we had exams almost every Monday...I don't think we had a free weekend at the beginning until October.

In my opinion, whoever says "the first year is easiest" is lying...
hey DOtobe...... do you have any pointers on 2nd year at LECOM ?
(what not to do, what to really concentrate on, etc.?) please? :rolleyes:
giant ug machi,
dont waste time studying for classes....just do enough to make sure you pass....the majority of your studying should focus on board prepping....not the minutia that they test you on at lecom. Take your systems and study the broader topics for each. Sometime in march or april, start focusing on doing question banks....doesnt matter if its Kaplan, Appleton/Lange, packet that the school has...any of them. Take a saturday and do 5-8 hours of answering questions straight. Also I recommend doing the Shelf test/mock boards (scheduled sometime in jan/feb)...they will help let you know where you stand and where you may need to focus.

LOL. I wouldn't go as far as Stomper on not studying for classes, but the general idea is there.
During the second year my studying for tests consisted of going to class and listening, then cramming on the Saturday and Sunday before the test. The rest of my time was dedicated to board studying. I learned a lot just by paying attention in class. It worked for me (at least for the classes, I don't know about for the boards yet). I can guarantee that you will be studying a lot less for classes in your second year. Paying attention in class then solidifying that information on the weekends before exams worked for me, but I guess everyone has their own methods.
Good luck! :D
What's with all you lecom students.....you're all over this board!!!
How many students per class?

I am not sure I'd call my schools curriculum system based. We have path and pharm courses mixed with are medicine classes. I think they correlate them as much as possible. Do you think this puts me at a disadvantage with boards.

Since we're talking boards...what are the pro/cons of taking the boards in Aug or Oct (not sure of the date) instead of june???
At LECOM we have to take it in June, so I can't comment on the pros and cons of waiting till October. I don't know if any DO students wait until October to take the COMLEX for the first time. I thought pretty much everyone takes it in June.