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May 12, 2017
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I'm super worried for her.
Me too. Unless she get above average step 2, it’s pretty much over for her.

Study until she’s sure she can hit the number. Publications don’t mean squat unless you have step score to get you in. With that step score as a FMG, unless you know someone (and they really really get out of their ways to get you into a program), she’s essentially done.

Sorry to say it, but you and her needs to hear it.

Good luck.
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Posting this on behalf of my GF who just received her step 1 score. These are her stats FMG, 2 pubs (ortho, derm), 1 abstract (women's health), <200 step 1, 2 years clinical experience in the USA, she has 1 LOR from an ortho and she's gonna get the rest over the next few months. Obviously we're trying to get a high step 2 score and she has another potential pub coming.

Basically with the <200 she literally just wants to match, she'll take any residency she can get and I went through FREIDA for her to find every program she meets the cutoff for but only found 30 or so. Can anyone help us? is there a list of low tier FM or IM places somewhere, what's her best chance of matching?

Any tips or guidance is much appreciated, I'm super worried for her.

P.S can't apply to NY


Don't go by the exact numbers on FREIDA for cutoffs. Those are always fluid and programs are not likely to say what their cutoff that year would be. With her Step score being just barely passing, she needs to focus on FM most likely. She will need to apply anywhere that has taken grads from her school or other nonUS schools. If she wants to maximize her chances to match, she should probably apply to just about every FM program except the top tiers. If she would like to throw some IM programs in, sure, but she's likely going to struggle to get interviews.

She should concentrate her remaining rotations towards IM/FM and forget about any ortho/derm stuff. It's nice to have a letter, but it may be more a distraction that would make potential programs think they are being picked to try and get a spot, not because she truly likes FM/IM.
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This is pretty much what I told her, apply to basically every single FM program. We're trying to make contacts now and essentially try match via that method. She's joined the FM association and those sorts of societies to try and network; hopefully it pays off. What kind of cutoff would you say we should still apply for? 210? 220 might be a bit ambitious?

I agree with you on the FM/IM rotations, the derm/ortho stuff was before she got her score. We're working to get LOR's from IM/FM at the moment so hopefully those do come through.

Thanks a lot for taking the time to respond, it's been pretty devastating.

How many to apply to? How much money do you have to spend?

Is there any way to get eligible for NY residencies? There are quite a few there that take IMG grads that she would be able to apply to.
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Avg for FM 2018 data. I didn’t go chase down the primary source.
210 unmatched.
222 matched.

You are really fighting against a lot. No derm, no Ortho, no ophthalmology, no nothing.
FM/Peds. Even IM unless it’s in the middle of nowhere and no one wants to go.

The only route is step 2 and she needs to blow it out of water. No one will put their neck out for her, unless it’s her parents. With barely passing score as a foreign grad, just too much risk.

Sorry for the bad news.
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There are family medicine programs that will take anyone with a pulse especially if she passes all of her Steps the first time. Just tell her to apply to alot of programs and dont geographically limit herself. Your girlfriend will be fine.
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There are family medicine programs that will take anyone with a pulse especially if she passes all of her Steps the first time. Just tell her to apply to alot of programs and dont geographically limit herself. Your girlfriend will be fine.

An IMG with a barely passing Step 1 score is going to have problems. Don't sugarcoat things. Can she match? Absolutely. Is she guaranteed to match? Not at all. A US grad with a Step failure is likely to be a more attractive candidate, to be honest.

She does need to apply basically everywhere to have a chance.
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An IMG with a barely passing Step 1 score is going to have problems. Don't sugarcoat things. Can she match? Absolutely. Is she guaranteed to match? Not at all. A US grad with a Step failure is likely to be a more attractive candidate, to be honest.

She does need to apply basically everywhere to have a chance.
There are many family med programs that only take FMGs. Yes, she is not a complete shoe in. But I still think she has a good chance especially if she applies to midwest programs.
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Apply to every FM/IM/Peds in the boonies. Look at programs in accreditation trouble just trying to fill spots. Plan on being ready to Soap into unmatched spots. Whatever takes just secure a residency position. Some residency programs are so undesirable they are just looking for a warm body - your GF needs to get one of those spots. It will be an uphill battle but it's nowhere near a zero percentage shot play.
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You guys must be joking. I’m a recent Caribbean grad. Most of the students I know with sub-200 step 1 scores (some with multiple failed attempts) who I never thought would match did just fine applying to FM/peds etc. These specialties are not competitive at all and most anyone can find a spot unless they really screw up applying (not enough programs, wrong letters, late app, etc).

Apply to 300 programs in FM/peds and hope for the best. This pandemic will most likely do favors for her provided that she finds away to take step 2 before whenever it is that programs start interviewing people this year. Will definitely be harder than if she had a 250 on step 1, but at least she passed on the first attempt.

And don’t forget-with step 1 becoming pass/fail, it is possible less emphasis will be placed on it going forward than in the past
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You guys must be joking. I’m a recent Caribbean grad. Most of the students I know with sub-200 step 1 scores (some with multiple failed attempts) who I never thought would match did just fine applying to FM/peds etc. These specialties are not competitive at all and most anyone can find a spot unless they really screw up applying (not enough programs, wrong letters, late app, etc).

Apply to 300 programs in FM/peds and hope for the best. This pandemic will most likely do favors for her provided that she finds away to take step 2 before whenever it is that programs start interviewing people this year. Will definitely be harder than if she had a 250 on step 1, but at least she passed on the first attempt.

And don’t forget-with step 1 becoming pass/fail, it is possible less emphasis will be placed on it going forward than in the past
Obviously a lot matters on whether the person in question is a US citizen (not clear from the OP) and where the school is. Without specifics anyone is just guessing at this person's chances, but regardless the advice to do well on step 2 is the most important thing.
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If she just wants to match, pathology is the way to go.
She said she'd rather go for IM/FM/Peds but is there any chance of matching path and then swapping out or something along those lines?
That is a possibility... Or path to dermpath fellowship.
She said she'd rather go for IM/FM/Peds but is there any chance of matching path and then swapping out or something along those lines?

Not really, considering that there isn’t even a medicine intern year for path. Your options will be limited to path and pretty much nothing else. But it seems like a good field. You have pretty much no on-call time, decent pay, and best of all you NEVER have to see any patients.
She said she'd rather go for IM/FM/Peds but is there any chance of matching path and then swapping out or something along those lines?

I would not go into a program with the anticipation of switching to another residency. There's always a chance, but it will be small.
She needs IM/FM lors and a good step 2. Step 3 helps a lot also but focus on step 2 for now.

Canadian boards is always a good backup cuz CARMs has been not that hard to match for a lot of abroad Canadians for FM.
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