physics online

  1. spielmacher

    Online Lecture only Phyics class suggestions?

    Hi There! I really need to take physics I & II online without the labs, because I work full-time. Does anyone know of a reasonably inexpensive asynchronous online course I could take? I'm slightly overwhelmed with trying to find one that would be an acceptable option. For example, University of...
  2. Mother_of_Dragons2

    Physics II Online Help?(Fort Hays State class)

    Hello everyone! I am at a loss with my online Physics II class. I have read the textbook and other books, I have emailed the teacher for help, worked with an online tutor on the assigned problems, and tried to do practice problems, but nothing seems to make it all "click" for me. Please tell...
  3. Señor Dentista

    Physics 2 Online/ BYU Independent Study Physics 2

    So I've been accepted to dental school, but I have to take physics 2. They said I can take it online, no lab necessary, just another dumb hoop to jump through.... I am planning on taking it through BYU-IS because it is the cheapest option. Also, I think it is the only one (that I've seen) that...