physical therapy life

  1. Mr.Smile12

    HPSA/SDN Panel Discussion: DPT Careers

    Please share with your peers who are interested in becoming a Physical Therapist! Join SDN on Thursday, January 20th at 8:00 PM Eastern for a panel discussion with DPTs Allison McKay and MeMe Earnest-Stanely. Register now!
  2. theheartyroots

    Ask a real PT any questions you have!

    Hi everyone! I'm a former PT applicant, former PT student, and current practicing PT! I wanted to provide some insight to current and future individuals looking to apply to PT or make a career out of this. I am 2 years out of physical therapy school but it still feels like I was just applying...
  3. H

    Paperwork outside of work in physical therapy

    I am a high school senior currently deciding on what career to pursue. I have been accepted to a direct admit 6 year physical therapy program so it is something that I am considering. I shadowed a physical therapist and he said that he does about 2 hours of paperwork per day outside of work. Is...
  4. H

    Other OT-Related Information How to be mentally and emotionally prepare for PT/OT school?

    I am currently a Junior right now. Now I am a little afraid of grad school and how you will intensely study for 2-3 years. Right now, I am not too confident about performing well in grad school, PT or OT. Over the past few semesters, I have been trying to become a better student with no prevail...
  5. C

    PTCAS Essay Revision!!

    hey guys I was wondering if someone could read over my personal statement for the main essay on PCTAS!! could really use some advise/editing. thanks :) pm me and I'll send you my essay
  6. T

    Living with a significant other during DPT school

    Hi! I've just been accepted into DPT school and was curious how many DPT students live with their significant others and if so, what was that transition like? My boyfriend and I have been together 2.5 years and I pretty much live with him. Has the weight of the DPT coursework taken a toll on...
  7. Cheezy89

    Day to Day as a DPT student

    In this video I show you how my week goes as a SPT. I show you my weekly schedule, how I get to school, the amount of course work I need to do and how I relieve some stress.