
  1. T

    Rare Brain Tumor

    I am not a doctor, but I have a few questions I was hoping some neurosurgeons could possibly answer. I can't not find any information about it online and my neurosurgeon is stumped since it's so rare. The only information I can find is that there's only two reported in the world. In late 2014 I...
  2. N

    Brain Vision Rehabilitation/Neuro Optometry

    I am going to be starting school at UH Optometry in the fall of 2016 and as of now I am very interested in the Neuro/Brain Vision Rehabilitation Residency offered. I just had a couple of questions for current optometrists who are both in this field and not. 1. Where would a nero-optometrist...
  3. N

    Med school LOA for head trauma, interest in neuro

    Sorry for the obnoxious SN... I know little about neuro-- never would have considered it before-- but think it's for me. Maybe autoimmune focus. I'm feeling alone about the possibility of taking an LOA from a U.S. MD school after my 1st semester. Was hoping I could get some input from...
  4. O

    Curious about Neurology Residency Application Process

    Now, this -may- seem really stupid, but I genuinely am unsure as to precisely how the process of applying to a Neuro residency works. Yes, I have tried googling but to no avail; I would like a quick and dirty step by step explanation. I literally know nothing about this, so please be explicit...