drug test

  1. D

    Drug testing, which compounds do they search for?

    I ask this without fear of judgment or anything: When medical schools drug test, they're just looking for the regular things like marijuana, cocaine, etc., right? If a person has been taking a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM), basically a performance enhancer, would that show up on...
  2. 6

    Clinical Internship Drug Test Policies

    Are people being asked to complete a drug test prior to internship? When I've been drug tested in the past for practicum/externship, it has occurred along with the background check. Please comment on your site and whether you have been asked to complete a drug test so far. Especially interested...
  3. R

    AZ Board meeting and drug test

    I have to appear before the board due to some legal issues that I had over a decade ago. I have no clue what to expect. I was previously on Texas Board of Pharmacy probation for a decade, never had any issues. Anyone have any idea what the board normally does with someone with a criminal record...
  4. L

    New ProScribe hire, need to know what kind of drug test they use.

  5. SterlingMaloryArcher

    Just checking to see if anybody cares about off-duty marijuana use anymore

    1.) Honestly just curious to see what premeds (or physicians) in 2017 think about it 2.) When it is legal will physicians probably or probably not be aloud (by licensing boards) to smoke or ingest marijuana off duty? 3.) Do non-employee physicians (has admitting privileges at the hospital) get...
  6. H

    Hair Drug Testing

    Hello all, MS4 here who wants to ask about drug testing during the start of residency. I've scoured SDN and other threads, but they're either inconclusive or turn into a debate about why marijuana is good/bad. I wanted to start this thread so that other future students and I will have this as a...
  7. J

    Residency Employment History Verification

    Hello. I am a pharmacy student, and I successfully completed a summer internship with a retail pharmacy chain. However, shortly after completion of the internship I was terminated for failing a drug screen. I understand the mistake I have made and deeply regret my decision to use an illegal...
  8. T

    drug testing question

    So, I got an amazing job at a scribe company! However, I am going to be drug tested and am worried that it might show up due to secondhand marijuana exposure. My mother smokes it and I try to be in a separate room when she does but I cannot always avoid it. Today, about two days before my drug...
  9. M

    Questions about CVS pharmtech job

    Hi! I'm currently a second year biology student who has plans to go to PA school once I complete my undergrad. I recently applied to CVS to be a pharmacy technician, and I just had a few questions. I know that a drug test is required. I'm a medical marijuana user, and live in California, so I...