
  1. C

    Hyperhidrosis vs diaphoresis vs sudoresis

    Are these just multiple ways of saying a condition of sweating? Or am I missing some important contextual reference where each of these would not be used interchangeably/on a whim? Thanks
  2. E

    R4 body fellowship - attending input

    I just matched my residency that advertises that I can complete a full body fellowship in my R4 year? Would this be enough to say I did a fellowship and look for private practice jobs? What questions should I ask before doing this?
  3. R

    Body Surface Area

    I'm currently writing a white paper on using Body Surface Area (BSA) and I need contributions from medics. To start with - please can you let me know: When do you use it? How do you use it? Why is it important BSA is accurate? Any help is appreciated...