Useful resources

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Jul 21, 2003
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Dr. Ing,

Thanks for sharing that link. I've looked for many of those forms before and it's nice having them all in one place.
Can we make this a sticky, please?
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I vote sticky! Thanks, man, that seems really useful.
Probably the most useful single reference I ever used in the ED. Great for those "Ummm, my psychiatrist's name is Dr. Cone... or is it Dr. Cohen... wait, maybe it's Dr. Kahn... anyway, his office is in Manchester, NH... no, I don't know the phone number" cases at 3 a.m.
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By "deemed worthy," I mean having more resources than these few links. Though I agree, it's a great start. And thanks DS, I've used that site's really helpful.

The SDN Administration is currently undergoing a "Sticky cleanup Campaign." Some may have noticed that I combined a couple stickies above to cut down on the ones we have. In order to make a new one, I'd like it to be full of info and very useful. So keep scouring the web and include more great links, and I'll see what I can do.


ok for looking up diagnostic codes or criteria from DSM-IV-TR, and it is free.
This podcast is quite useful for those you facing medical rotations in PGY1 ro studying for Step 3 (or God-forbid just to keep up general medical knowledge..)
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Wasn't sure where else to put this.

Here's a new psychiatric newspaper that I received in the mail. It seems to have a montly useful pull-out evidence-based treatment guide for various disorders attached.

Signing up for a subscription is free. Especially good for those OCD folks who like to have as much psychiatry-related stuff around the house at all times.
Does any one know any sites that have mcqs in psychiatry?
Every company medication assistance program available in the US, incl. application forms, requirements, guidelines etc.:
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This is a database of Ki values. If I recall correctly, a Ki value is the concentration of drug needed to decrease receptor firing by half, much like a Km value. Therefore, smaller Ki values mean more binding per mg. However, you have to adjust the data to reflect different average dosages between drugs. Very informative resource once you get used to interpreting the data.

Best documentary ever made!

Great world health stats

Surprisingly helpful
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Hi Everyone,

Thank you for your posts, I've found a lot of these links really helpful.

I was wondering if you guys have any sample psychiatry - related CVs or Resumes?

Came across this. thought it might be worth passing on.

Other Resources

Worthy Subscriptions
Journal Watch Psychiatry
Carlat Psychiatry Report

Worthy Blogs (there are many, here’s a few)
Psychiatric Times Blogs,, especially:
John Sadler
Allen Frances
James Phillips
Frontal Cortex, by Jonah Lehrer,
Thought Broadcast,
Carlat Psychiatry Blog –
Neuroscience Education Institute –
The Neurocritic –

News, Articles, References (sign up for alerts)
Psychiatric Times –
Medscape, Psychiatry –
Current Psychiatry –

Worthy Podcasts (again, just to name a few)
Shrink Rap Radio
Psychiatric Times
Sages of Psychopharmacology
[strokes beard thoughtfully]
Why, I wonder, 'transvestic fetishism'?
And what is meant by "popped up"?
[/strokes beard thoughtfully]

rolls cigar provocatively between fingers
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