Rowan MBS program vs. Midwestern (Glendale) MABS program

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5+ Year Member
May 2, 2017
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I've been accepted to both programs. Made a list of a few notable points for each, can't decide where to go.

Guaranteed interview with a 3.6 GPA
NJ is close to fam
Tuition is 30k

Waiting to hear back on specific statistics regarding how many interviewed applicants from the MBS program were actually accepted into the DO program, if anyone in the previous class can provide some insight, that would be great.

Guaranteed interview with a 3.0 GPA
AZ is far from fam and its HOT
Tuition is 43k

My interviewer guaranteed me several times they had an articulation agreement where if you got a 3.6 or higher it was a guaranteed acceptance. After speaking with other admissions staff, they gave very vague responses and said the only agreement they were 100% sure of was the interview if you maintain >3.0 GPA. if anyone can confirm the 3.6 guaranteed acceptance agreement, this school would be my choice.

Any information you can provide about any of these programs (be it faculty, curriculum, outcomes, staticstics, etc) would be most appreciated. Thanks!

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I've been accepted to both programs. Made a list of a few notable points for each, can't decide where to go.

Guaranteed interview with a 3.6 GPA
NJ is close to fam
Tuition is 30k

Waiting to hear back on specific statistics regarding how many interviewed applicants from the MBS program were actually accepted into the DO program, if anyone in the previous class can provide some insight, that would be great.

Guaranteed interview with a 3.0 GPA
AZ is far from fam and its HOT
Tuition is 43k

My interviewer guaranteed me several times they had an articulation agreement where if you got a 3.6 or higher it was a guaranteed acceptance. After speaking with other admissions staff, they gave very vague responses and said the only agreement they were 100% sure of was the interview if you maintain >3.0 GPA. if anyone can confirm the 3.6 guaranteed acceptance agreement, this school would be my choice.

Any information you can provide about any of these programs (be it faculty, curriculum, outcomes, staticstics, etc) would be most appreciated. Thanks!

I did the Midwestern biomed program. Yes, they have an agreement that it's a guaranteed acceptance with a 3.6 granted that you pass your interview. I know of 2 people who met this requirement last cycle (one had a 3.8 and 23 DAT) who were rejected because the interviewers did not feel that they were a right fit for the school.

In terms of stats, I believe out of the 30 or so biomeds that GRADUATED (roughly 1/3 dropped out before the program was finished), only a 2 or 3 did not get accepted.

The reason being is that the dental college did an internal study, and it showed that students that successfully completed the biomed program at Midwestern tend to do better than those that haven't, as a lot of the basic science material is a repeat.

That's just my 2 cents. Good luck and feel free to ask me any questions!
Is there a Midwestern Master of Biomed Science thread for this cycle?
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