Organic chem help??

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5+ Year Member
Apr 5, 2017
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This is my first time posting here so not sure if this is how I'm supposed to do it but...

I just retook the first part of my three-series organic chemistry class (I ended up with a C in the class but it was curved/scaled HEAVILY.), and am currently taking the second part. I'm worried that I don't know the first part enough to do well in the second. What's a good way to consolidate the previous information??

For reference, the first part of the series concerned:
  • structure bonding/resonance
  • acids and bases
  • nomenclature, conformations
  • radical rxns of alkanes
  • stereochem
  • alkenes and alkene reactions, haloalkanes
  • substitution and elimination rxns
second part concerns:
  • rxn of dienes, diels alder rxn
  • alkynes
  • rxns of alcohols, etc
  • organometallic compounds
  • carbonyl compounds
  • aromaticity

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