New to SDN, a lot of questions about USUHS

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Jun 16, 2017
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Hello, I just signed up to SDN.

I'm currently a sophomore/junior in college in the process of completing my bachelor's in Biological Sciences. I actually switched from Nursing to Biology (I just didn't want to go the nursing route anymore and currently love my major).

I wanted to know how competitive USUHS is and what type of candidates they accept. I'm going to start volunteering with my local hospital and start shadowing doctors. Also, I am looking for research opportunities with my university. USUHS is pretty much the only medical school I want to go to. Of course, I'll apply to other medical schools but I want to get a feel for just how competitive USUHS applicants are and what I can do to make myself a more competitive candidate. I haven't taken the MCAT yet but plan to during the middle or end of Junior year.

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USUHS is pretty much the only medical school I want to go to. Of course, I'll apply to other medical schools but I want to get a feel for just how competitive USUHS applicants are and what I can do to make myself a more competitive candidate.
Why is USUHS the only school you want to go to? You need to read the stickies and figure out if you want to be in the military before committing to USUHS.

If you want to see how competitive USUHS is, you can look at their class profiles here: If I remember correctly, USUHS is generally not as competitive as other MD schools but that could have changed since I applied.
Why is USUHS the only school you want to go to? You need to read the stickies and figure out if you want to be in the military before committing to USUHS.

If you want to see how competitive USUHS is, you can look at their class profiles here: If I remember correctly, USUHS is generally not as competitive as other MD schools but that could have changed since I applied.
I already researched it and figured out why I want to go. I'm aware of the service I would owe.
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Hello, I just signed up to SDN.

I'm currently a sophomore/junior in college in the process of completing my bachelor's in Biological Sciences. I actually switched from Nursing to Biology (I just didn't want to go the nursing route anymore and currently love my major).

I wanted to know how competitive USUHS is and what type of candidates they accept. I'm going to start volunteering with my local hospital and start shadowing doctors. Also, I am looking for research opportunities with my university. USUHS is pretty much the only medical school I want to go to. Of course, I'll apply to other medical schools but I want to get a feel for just how competitive USUHS applicants are and what I can do to make myself a more competitive candidate. I haven't taken the MCAT yet but plan to during the middle or end of Junior year.
The factors that make you competitive at USUHS, are the same that make you competitive at any med school: GPA, mcat, reaearch, volunteer and work experience. I am guessing you are not prior service so that point is moot.
Second Dr. WernickeDO above. If you end up doing well enough to get into your state school you will most likely get into USUHS as well. Medical School Admissions Requirements (MSAR) is a nice database to take a look at the average stats of matriculants though you have to pay for it if you want the online version.

Only would like to add to have some kind of experience backing up why you want military medicine.
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