MS4 PEDS away rotation vs international rotation advice

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Jun 15, 2017
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Hiya! I am starting year 4, going into ped's, and have 2 away rotations booked for Aug and Sept. I also have the option of going to Mexico for a month in April. The idea would be to become more fluent in Spanish - however, I can save a lot of money ($2500) and take classes locally. I am curious if anyone has input on the importance of the international trip, as it happens after the match. I have and international experience already on my application, which I did as an MS2. The only kicker is that if I do another one during MS4, I would complete a Scholarly Concentration.

In sum:
Is a Scholarly Concentration very useful in applying to pediatric residencies?
Is a trip abroad after match going to help me on my application?

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I took a trip to South America for a pediatric rotation during my 3rd year and it was the absolutely best experience of medical school. I would highly recommend it. It was such a different experience than the week-long medical trip I had done after 1st year. Come April, doing a peds elective won't help with your application anyway, so I say go for the experience! Since it'd be after Match, you can mention it during interviews, but it probably won't help much either. There's not really a place to put a future rotation on your ERAS app. Feel free to message me if you have any questions or if I can help anything
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Agree. I doubt either would have more than a negligible effect on your application.