LGBTQ Resources for Med Students

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2QT2Bcis Plaidapus
Moderator Emeritus
10+ Year Member
Jan 20, 2010
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I was born intersex, surgically designated male at 6 years old, and currently identify as both genderqueer and transfemale (she/her/hers pronouns). In other words, my clothes and appearance vacillate between androgynous, feminine, and masculine, while my personality traits and legal gender remain distinctly female.

I was a medical student when @otterxavier and I created this forum. I gradually came out during my second year of medical school, 13 years after nearly losing my life as a victim of a violent hate crime in the South. I endured many barriers along the way, including several challenging interactions with peers, staff, and faculty, and was even denied hormone replacement therapy (HRT) at my medical school's student health clinic. But my experiences only made me stronger and more passionate to ensure lasting, positive change is achieved as I pursue a career of leadership, health policy, and research as a physician. I remain dedicated to local and world-wide LGBTQI communities and helped establish our school's first LGBTQI student organization alongside a tenacious group of my queer and allied co-founding friends. I hope SDN's visibility, accessibility, and utility will facilitate the spread of information, support, and resources to those in need.

This thread

I compiled a list of resources relevant to dealing with LGBTQI issues as they relate to medical school, surviving medical school, applying to residency, et cetera. Please feel free to send me, @otterxavier, or @tantacles a PM to have something added. I'm eager to see this list grow. Good luck, stay strong, and focus on your goals!


SDN threads (recent)
This thread reveals perspectives on identifying as LGBT in medical school.
This is another thread that discusses LGBT experiences as a medical student.
This thread discusses LGBT experiences specifically at osteopathic (DO) schools.
This brief thread speculates about the effects of listing LGBT activities on ERAS (residency application).

Medical education:
Academic Medicine special issue on sexual and gender minorities in medicine
GLMA: Health Professionals Advancing LGBT Equality
AMSA gender & sexuality action committee
Northeast Medical School Queer Alliance
AAMC's Implementing Curricular and Institutional Climate Changes to Improve Health Care for Individuals Who Are LGBT, Gender Nonconforming, or Born with DSD: A Resource for Medical Educators
MedEdPORTAL's LGBT curriculum repository

Clinical care and cultural competence:

National LGBT Health Education Center
Transgender Health journal
LGBT Health journal
American Academy of Pediatrics Section on LGBT Health and Wellness
American Medical Association LGBT resources
American Psychological Association LGBT Concerns Office
Health People 2020 objectives for LGBT health

LGBTQIA Medblrs (Tumblr blogs) (my own blog) (another colleague identifying as a queer transwoman)

Gender variant, non-SDN resources (original, full list by alkanive)

Trans related terminology:
Understanding your gender identity:
Nonbinary resources:
Two Spirit:
Transfeminine resources:
Transmasculine resources:
Coming out:
Trans mental health:
Trans advice/resource/discussion blogs and sites:

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