IMG not another how are my chances

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Mar 30, 2017
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Hello there,
do you think it is possible to match without doing clinical research after graduating? I mean with scores that are way above your american competitors and enough research? I don't get people asking with a 230-250 score and a couple of papers and maybe LORs. Because that's clearly what everyone of your US competitors has. Of course they will pick americans then. But what if a program director sees a score of 270? Isn't that something that could get you interviews as an IMG since you're just better than most of your competitors? Would like to get a view on how they look at scores that are over the top. Thank you

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I knew two people that match as IMG into general surgery.
One had a 267 and another had a 239. The former match just fine while the latter had to do a preliminary year and got familiar with the folks down at UMass general and had an attending inquired on his behalf to the PD and eventually got categorical.

I really do believe you got a realistic shot. The view on SDN tends to be a bit skewed, but I've seen it done.

If you're gunning for ortho/neuro beside general, I'm not too familiar in those cases, but it might be possible with the right connections. It has been done before.

Best to you.
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Thank you very much. That is very encouraging. I changed my post a little because I intended not to write another 'how are my chances' but ended up to do so. The feeling to tell everyone how good I did, since around me nearly noone knows what it means, probably got control of me.
Best to you too!
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I'm planning 4 months of my surgical rotation of the 6th year (next year) in the US. I'm also planning to spent 4 to 6 weeks at mayo clinic in the summer, since they accept IMGs and take the step1 score into consideration a lot. I'm also thinking about doing the other 6 months at the karolinska institute, since my uni has a pretty decent exchange program with them and I heard that it's a school, american PDs might know, but I don't know if that really makes a change. Because if I would stay the last 6 months I could do more research in my home department, so it's something I have yet to figure out.

kind of got an answer to my main question in this years match post for IMGs. There are a few with scores over 260 even 270 and 280. Definitely not a guarantee for interviews but it looks much better then the typical 230-250 as I imagined. In the end it's all about contacts I guess.
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Hello there,
do you think it is possible to match without doing clinical research after graduating? I mean with scores that are way above your american competitors and enough research? I don't get people asking with a 230-250 score and a couple of papers and maybe LORs. Because that's clearly what everyone of your US competitors has. Of course they will pick americans then. But what if a program director sees a score of 270? Isn't that something that could get you interviews as an IMG since you're just better than most of your competitors? Would like to get a view on how they view scores that are over the top. Thank you

Do you have a score that high? The reality is that most people can't get that score and those few IMGs that do also tend to have spent years doing research with programs (case and point we matched someone who had done two years of research and shadowing/hanging with the residents with us and it was that not his very high score that got him in). It would be very hard though not impossible to match without research. It's fairly uncommon for even a US applicant to have no research and apply into neurosurgery.
Thank you for replying. I do have some research, and yes, I got a >270 score. I just wanted to know if that score can fix my, let's call it average, research (3 papers, one surgical as co author, one non surgical as lead-author). Since I felt like as long as you don't have research that blows PDs away and is way above average than your american competitors, which is why IMGs often go the research route for some years after graduating, you usually don't stand a chance. I also need visa.
I have yet to inform myself about what could help, making my visa problem less of a problem for PDs. Have 1 1/2 years to go. (planning to write 2ck at the beginning of 6th year and cs if possible while I'm in the US gaining clinical experience.)

I like your quote very mutch btw
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All the best. It is always more challenging for IMG and all you can do is to make your application as strong as possible.
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