How late is too late?

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Aug 28, 2016
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I'm currently studying to take DAT at the end of this month.
I had my transcript sent and LORs uploaded, but since I am so focused on studying DAT that will be at the end of this month, I can't work on my application (my PS and all the questionnaires for each school). It is likely that I will finish everything by the last day of August and turn in my application in then. And it will take 2 weeks-ish to get my transcript and everything to be finalized and to get sent to schools.
Is it too late already T_T?
I know a girl that was accepted last cycle after turning her stuff in by the 1st of September. It's not too late, just make sure to do your absolute best so your DAT scores stand out.

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I think it's late to the point that it's definitely going to affect your chances - if you don't turn everything in until the last day of August, with transcript verification time, your application will be complete in mid-September. I would try to set aside an hour or two each day this week to finalize your PS and secondaries from each school, it's something that can honestly be knocked out pretty quickly if you focus on it.

What is your GPA?
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Go look through the past years posts of acceptances and interviews. People who submit early september can get pre-december interviews.
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I'm currently studying to take DAT at the end of this month.
I had my transcript sent and LORs uploaded, but since I am so focused on studying DAT that will be at the end of this month, I can't work on my application (my PS and all the questionnaires for each school). It is likely that I will finish everything by the last day of August and turn in my application in then. And it will take 2 weeks-ish to get my transcript and everything to be finalized and to get sent to schools.
Is it too late already T_T?

as previously said, i think its late enough where it will hurt your chances. What are your stats?