Elms College v. Notre Dame de namur


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Jul 7, 2017
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HI guys,
I been accepted to Notre Dame de namur, and Elms College in Chicopee, Ma. My dilemma is which school to choose, and which one gets me where I need to go. Has anyone gone to Notre dame and can tell their story, is it a scam? Also with Elms College, is that a viable school and how do my chances look after graduation, in the sense as medical school acceptance? Thanks

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Undergrad is relatively meaningless in terms of getting into medical school. If you thrive at your undergrad, it really doesn't matter where you go. High GPA, high MCAT, good ECs - that should be the focus wherever you decide to go

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Go to whichever one feels like a better environment for you to succeed. I have never heard of either school so I don't think the name of one versus the other will mean much. I am more concerned that you think one school might be a scam and one might not be 'viable'. I assume you have visited both schools?
Undergrad is relatively meaningless in terms of getting into medical school. If you thrive at your undergrad, it really doesn't matter where you go. High GPA, high MCAT, good ECs - that should be the focus wherever you decide to go

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Sorry if I didn't specify, this would be for post bacc., thanks