vet c/o 2028

  1. P

    What are my chances?

    Hello, I currently applied to WSU, Mississippi, Mizzou, ASU, UGA, Auburn, and ISU. Looking for advice on what are my chances on getting into any of these vet schools? 3.17 overall gpa 3.2 science gpa 3,000 hours in small animal 250 hours in large animal 500 hours in exotic 100 hours in...
  2. buttersthecat

    WAMC will my masters degree help?

    Hey yall, my name is Emily, from Baton Rouge, LA Currently completing a masters thesis program at the University of New Orleans First time applying- not sure where I want to apply- Interested in LSU (IS), CST, and NCS Goals: zoo/wildlife/conservation vet, would love to do wildlife research and...
  3. Hopefulishvet

    WAMC c/o 2028 1st time applicant low GPA

    Hey guys! I’m 24 years old, looking to apply to vet school. I graduated in 2022 with a degree in biology. My grades are pretty bad, in between university strikes (no class for long periods of time), my grandmother dying, Hurricane maria and earthquakes… it’s been hard. So far I’m planning on...