
  1. I'm_a_dogtor

    School Learning Styles

    I have seen a lot of information on whether a school has didatics, TBL, and PBL and I'm wondering what the major differences are between each of them and what it is actually like to learn through these styles. What schools use all three vs only one?
  2. begoood95

    Why is PBL hated so much?

    PBL, TBL, or whatever it's called, there seems to be a lot of hate directed towards this teaching method. Why? I don't have any experience with it, but after reading up on it, it doesn't seem that bad.
  3. libertyyne

    Interview length Correlated with Hands on Curriculum

    Just an observation in my limited experience interviewing, But does length of the interview day correlate with TBL,PBL, curriculum and mandatory class attendance? Some schools that are hands off in terms of class attendance and availability of lectures have also had some of the shorter to the...