
  1. L

    Kaplan Test Prep Free Study Guides & Raffles

    For the next week (Until August 28th)!! Kaplan Test Prep is offering a chance to download Free Study Guides, and a chance to win Free Gift Cards! - STUDY GUIDE: Download your Free Study Guide PDF for the MCAT, GMAT, LSAT, GRE, DAT, PCAT, or OAT! Simply scroll down and click "Get The Guide"...
  2. chemdoctor

    ACS Exam for Organic Chemistry?

    Has anyone taken the ACS exam for Organic Chemistry? I am going to be taking it in a week. I was wondering what advice you guys would have? I bought the review guide. I personally heard it's not too bad. Also the professor is suppose to be curving it, not to mention, everyone says that the ACS...
  3. Auvelity

    USMLE Look Ma' no hands!-STEP 1 GUIDE

    Okay so after doing some research and reading from my favorites like Indomethacin, mrknowitall, Phloston, Ina2990 and many others IMG with good scores. I decided to make a guide that mixed their study plans and worked for me and may even work for others, who knows, but we are all on this...
  4. F

    Dr. Collins PCAT

    This is the ULTIMATE study guide for the PCAT. I know from experience; I went from a 74 on my first attempt to a 94 on the second attempt. I only studied Dr. Collins for my second attempt. I will sell for a reasonable price just email me. Good luck to all of you! [email protected]