research lab

  1. R

    No replies back about Rec Letter - what to do?

    Hi, everyone. Not sure what to do and was hoping someone had experienced something similar to this. I joined a lab from the beginning of my freshman year in college and stayed with them till about the middle of the sophomore year (I'm heading in my junior year this fall). Throughout my time...
  2. sushi18

    Thinking of doing 2 public health labs... am I crazy?

    As the title says, I'm considering working in 2 public health labs with pretty similar topical areas. I know in general this is ill-advised, but what's killing me is that Lab A has a project that I'm really interested in, whereas Lab B has a project that I am not as crazy about but potentially...
  3. HumanHu

    How to leave research lab without being hated

    Hey, so I posted a thread about whether or not to quit research lab a couple days ago and you guys gave me some helpful advice. Today, I realized this lab is not for me. I spent 8 hours during the weekend performing pcrs and running gels and they told me they were disappointed that I didn't do...
  4. HumanHu

    HELP!!! Should I change my research lab?

    Hey, so I am in a predicament. Right now, I've been in a small lab since second semester freshman year (I'm a sophomore right now), with one grad student, one senior undergrad, and two undergrad (including me). So, there's a lot of maintenance to do in lab which makes this lab time intensive...