pharmacy school gpa

  1. D

    Retake PCAT? Nov 2017

    Not sure guys, just took the Nov.17 PCAT today, 1st time taking it, and here are my preliminaries and my GPA. Feeling kinda low, thought i had done better not sure if I should retake the PCAT. Also, is 74 a competitive Composite score these days? Thanks in advance for the advice! PCAT...
  2. R

    Chances of getting into pharmacy school in California?

    Hi all! This is my first time posting on the forum. I have read many similar posts so it made me really nervous/curious about my own stats. I am currently applying to pharmacy schools, and I live in California so I really want to be accepted to schools here in California. However, I'm scared...
  3. D

    Pharmacy school chances

    Okay guys I recently graduated with my bachelors degree in health science with a whopping 2.47 cumulative gpa. I have not taken organic chem 1 or 2, biochem 1, biology 1 or 2, speech, calculus, or microeconomics. I am taking those pre reqs at a CC right now those being orgo 1 with a lab and...
  4. APraxon

    Rural Pharmacy Program (UIC COP)

    Hey Guys, I've searched SDN for this question and haven't really found anything (so if you do please just link it here and I'll more than happily check it out there - assuming it is up to date). So the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) has two campuses. One in Chicago and one in...