
  1. S

    Differences in memorizing information presented on a computer

    Hi everyone! I am conducting a study about memory for my Master thesis. Participation should take no longer than 20 minutes, and involves memorizing object descriptions. Experiment link I am looking for participants between age 18-60, with no condition that may alter memory capabilities or...
  2. N

    Best way to memorize

    Hi everyone, This is a question for current med students who have gotten the hang of studying the large amount of material you need to learn. A hypothetical example: say you have 50 chapters in a textbook to learn but a limited amount of time. How do you decide when you need to go back and...
  3. C

    I need help

    Anyone have any tips on memorizing drugs and their actions on receptors? I am making my own notes and tried everything, but still, I am having difficulty memorizing names :dead:
  4. O

    I have memory problems. Can I be a good medical student?

    I don't think I Have amnesia. But no matter how much I read, I find it almost impossible to recall. I think I might get accepted in med school; but is there any chance that I will be a good medical student? (Med school starts in May. Assuming I get accepted.)
  5. Sun8Igor

    Prepare yourself for the exams/test and get the maximum grades.

    Hello guys, Today I want to start an interesting thread that will be useful for everyone who studies in university, college or any other place. For those who need to memorize a lot of information and who want to do this effective. I want to see that this topic is interesting for someone and...
  6. IgorSun

    Memory skills... anyone use special techniques or have tips how to memorize study materials?

    Hello, Does anybody use special techniques to memorize study materials? How do you prepare for the exams and classes?