living on own

  1. Rainbows&Waterfalls

    Thoughts on living alone during M1?

    I am happy to say that I will be starting medical school in August! As I start considering housing options, I want to hear some opinions on the -- living alone vs. living with roommates -- dilemma. Reasons why I prefer living alone: > Had disrespectful roommates in the past, don't want to deal...
  2. Rainbows&Waterfalls

    Thoughts on living alone during M1?

    I am happy to say that I will be starting medical school in August! As I start considering housing options, I want to hear some opinions on the -- living alone vs. living with roommates -- dilemma. Reasons why I prefer living alone: > Had disrespectful roommates in the past, don't want to deal...
  3. N

    Moving out of parents house, a little scared.

    I am 28 years old and got accepted into a PT school which I will be starting this August. I am planning on moving out, but am a bit nervous and excited at the same time and wanted some tips from people. Here is a bit about my situation: Its a state school so loans will be around 50k for...