life decision

  1. T

    What motives you to become a doc?

    So I'm now 23, finished a Bachelor of Arts in Communication degree, and kinda suddenly realize that I want to help people, like actually helping someone physically. I never thought of entering the healthcare services even though my parents are in the industry (they are nurse / dental hygienist)...
  2. B

    Career advice, please help!

    Hey! Brand new member here:) So here's the situation: I'm a 16 year old junior currently enrolled in full time PSEO which means I take college courses at a college for college credit and high school credit at the same time for free. So by the time I graduate high school I will have an AA degree...
  3. A

    Any financially independent premeds living away from home ? Advice please.

    Are there any premeds here who are financially independent and living away from family? I need some advice. Firstly, I'm an undergrad senior (graduating next year. Only need 3 more credits to graduate) who is planning to take the MCAT in March apply for the 2018 cycle. I'm done with all my...
  4. M

    Biology vs Biochem Major -undergrad?

    Hi, I know there are a few of these questions on the forum, but I had a question sort of specific to my own: I don't have a stellar GPA(~3.2) at the moment and am struggling financially as well. And I just transferred to a 4yr university. I am given two choices: Biochem major with Bio double...