financially independent

  1. F

    How to handle debt?

    This cycle has been both exciting and disappointing for me. I am very lucky to have received acceptances from vet schools except for my IS school (waitlisted, but unlikely to get off). My other struggle is that I need to report my parents' salaries based on my age, but I will not be receiving...
  2. M

    US Citizen hoping to Study Medicine in Australia

    I currently I am in a place where I just need better connections and better information in order to make the best possible decision on pursuing a Medical Degree. Recently I had the opportunity to spend some time in Australia, and I absolutely fell in love with the land down under. I really want...
  3. A

    Any financially independent premeds living away from home ? Advice please.

    Are there any premeds here who are financially independent and living away from family? I need some advice. Firstly, I'm an undergrad senior (graduating next year. Only need 3 more credits to graduate) who is planning to take the MCAT in March apply for the 2018 cycle. I'm done with all my...