exam kracckers

  1. rangerdad

    Best MCAT prep course and software (IF MONEY IS NOT AN ISSUE)

    Hello guys, I haven't posted anything in a while, but I chose to stay away from this website for a while. I a little intense! I am almost at the end of my Biomedical degree and now I am starting to think about MCAT prep. As a prior military member I am using the Vocational Rehab Program, and I...
  2. M

    Khan Academy videos over reading?

    I'm struggling to get through the readings in the review books (ExamKrackers) since it's boring. Also I find I do not learn as well from just reading and do better if it is taught outloud in a lecture. I know Khan Academy offers MCAT review videos and was wondering if just watching those and...
  3. D

    Help me find all the study material for new MCAT!! Please

    I am graduating this semester and i am planning on going to medical school. I need to start prepping for MCAT. So please anyone list the books and tips that i will need. I have seen other posts but i was as to which books to buy. I really need to score good on MCAT coz my science gpa is lower...