course repeat

  1. T

    Taking Orgo 2 for the 5th time - am I delusional?

    I am going to be taking Organic Chemistry 2 for the 5th time this summer. (Lord.) I took Organic Chemistry 1 THREE times before I finally passed with a C. I HATE chemistry to say the least. I don't get it at all but to be fair, if I spent more time with the material than I currently do, I might...
  2. T

    Am I currently on the right track?

    Hello all, I am new to the forum. I am currently a sophomore at the University of Delaware planning to attend a DPT Program. Unfortunately I recieved not so great grades in Chem 1 & 2. I wanted to reach out and see if anyone has had a similar experience as me and if anyone can offer and advice...
  3. P

    Repeated Coursework - How to Indicate?

    I am going through the PTCAS application and am at the "review and finalize" portion of transcript entry. I come across this statement, "Note: courses should be marked repeated only if repeated at the same institution. If you took a course at one institution and later repeated it at another...