
  1. MedicalStudent2021

    Dartmouth (full-tuition) vs UVA (half-tuition scholarship)

  2. Biggytooth

    Health Professions Loan (Federal Loan)

    Hi everyone, I am attempting to calculate my expenses for dental school and project what my total debt load might be upon graduation. I come from a lower income family, and am hoping I will qualify for the Health Professions Loan, which is subsidized and has a 5% interest rate. Can anyone who...
  3. maybeapedsdoc22

    Gap year vs acceptance to very expensive school

    I was accepted to Midwestern University AZ, which although I am happy about, I also am not happy with their >$110,000 COA per year. That is an INSANE tuition amount and id easily be in $500,000 in debt coming out of school. That being said, should I try to retake the DAT and maybe hope for a...
  4. Y

    What is (or was) you first year COA?

    Those who are incoming D1's, what are you estimating your cost of attendance for D1 year will be for you and those who have already gone through D1, what was your budgeted COA and how accurate was your budget to the actual amount?