civilian medicine

  1. B

    Military doctors who are now civilian doctors, what was the transition like after being discharged?

    How would you describe your experience of making that transition from Army/Navy/Air Force back into the civilian world? If you were an HPSP student, what was the best/worst part of the transition? Was it difficult? Also what do you specialize in now?
  2. B

    HPSP: If I match into a civilian residency and a military residency during M4, do I have to pick the latter?

    Image the following scenario: I'm an M4 Navy HPSP recipient, and I apply to both military and civilian residencies(EM as my 1st choice, radiology as my 2nd, and internal as my 3rd). I match into a civilian EM program but only an IM program for the military. Do I have to do the military...
  3. P

    ROTC Mistake before Med School

    My freshmen year I attended PennState Berks campus which did not have AFROTC and therefore it deemed problematic for my wanted military career. However, my university offers an "early change of campus (ecoc)" request (very RARE to get approved), that I utilized under the real excuse "Berks...