
  1. M

    How do African immigrant groups feel about making up an increasing number of Black students at medical schools?

    Obviously as a race, those who identify as Black or African Americans are still very underrepresented in medicine. But when you consider the makeup of medical schools today, especially at top high stat schools, it seems that the majority of those that identify as Black or African American are...
  2. GodIsBeautiful


    Hello! Are there any African-Americans entering pharmacy school this year (Class of 2023!) on SDN? If so, do you know if your future school has an ASPA (African Student Pharmacy Association) chapter? Let us connect! :D Or... If you'd just like to talk, and looking for a new friendship (like...
  3. GodIsBeautiful

    People Not Believing You're Majoring in [Insert Blank Here.]

    This semester, I was excited to be accepted into pharmacy school and my older sister, medical school. However, as she and I spoke over this break, we realized that many people who we have confided about our future professions to had surprised, confused, or condescending reactions, saying...
  4. D

    African American Definition

    Hi all, I have a question about what is defined as African American. My father was born and raised in Durban, South Africa, while my mother was born and raised in India. My father is Indian too, but his side of the family has been in South Africa since the early 1900s. I identify as both Indian...
  5. B

    Am I URM?

    Hello everyone! I was born in North Africa and I am a US citizen. Yes, I know, most people in North Africa are considered white by the US census bureau. However, from my sociocultural perspective, I have ALWAYS considered myself to be African. In fact, the concept of race is pretty much...
  6. Y

    Any African Pre-Dental/Dental out there?

    Any other Africans on here that's applying to or already in Dental school? If so, where are you from? I'm from Nigeria and everyone else I know if going the medical route. I'd like to know that I'm not alone. Lol