3.0 gpa

  1. W

    Nontrad, age 30, finishing prereqs and unsure about extra-curriculars

    Hello! I wasn't sure what to do for the title so hopefully that sums it up. I am a nontrad with ~3.0 GPA, looking to apply in the 2023 cycle. I have not completed my MCAT, but I have scored 510 on a couple of practice tests, and I will be studying this year (with the goal of increasing my...
  2. PCON3

    oGPA 3.3 sGPA 3.0 Should I go for it?

    Hello, Just trying to get a feel of what is possible. I have searched other threads but don't know if peoples opinions have changed since then. oGPA: 3.3 sGPA: 3.0 DAT: 21AA/20TS I have heard you automatically get flagged or thrown out for having a low GPA which I understand but is a 21 high...